Linden honey - useful properties

Lime honey has a distinctive delicate taste. Probably, few people who love sweets do not prefer it. Lime honey contains minerals, simple sugars, enzymes, vitamins and other useful substances. Since ancient times, lime honey is used in traditional medicine, as well as in cosmetology. Since ancient times, this honey was considered a cure for all diseases. Those who understand, argue that lime honey is a quality variety, and there are a lot of useful properties in it.

Lime honey contains 309 calories per 100 g of product. Of these, 81.5 grams of carbohydrates. Due to this composition, he can quickly fill the glycogen reserve in muscles, which is very valuable for athletes. But those who are trying to lose excess pounds with exercise, it is recommended to reduce the dosage of consumption of lime honey. The use of a small amount of lime honey has a positive effect on the rapid recovery of muscles after a load, but if there is it in excess quantities, this will help block the burning of fat , which will lead to an increase in mass.

Benefit and harm of linden honey

The benefit of linden honey is that its composition includes more than four hundred useful substances. Honey is 80% dry, and 20% water. Also in lime honey contains 7% of maltose, which has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract.

The composition of linden honey includes:

Lime honey has incredible healing properties due to the vitamins it contains, the more they blend well with other micro- and macro elements.

Than useful lime honey is known, but that's only it can cause harm if it is misused and stored. First of all, it is not recommended to consume frozen honey, since it does not carry any biological value, but is a source of empty calories. It is also forbidden to add honey to hot tea, as it can lose its useful properties. But when overeating linden honey can increase blood sugar.


In addition to the mass of useful properties of linden honey, there are contraindications: it is not recommended to take people who have problems with blood coagulability, and the lime has a diluting effect. Also, it is not necessary to apply honey to those who suffer from heart diseases, since severe sweating can put stress on the heart muscle.