Cumin - good and bad

The benefits and harms of cumin knew long before the coming of Christ, because the mention of this spice found in the tombs of the Egyptian pharaohs. Its properties make it possible to widely use this spice in cooking and medicine, and the most interesting is black cumin and oil obtained from it.

Benefits of cumin for the body

It is enough to get acquainted with its composition in order to add the opinion about this spice . It contains proteins, fats and carbohydrates, B vitamins, tannins, phospholipids, saponins, flavonoids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, minerals - zinc, calcium, copper, iron, phosphorus, etc. Cumin is widely consumed in the Baltic countries and the Mediterranean, as well as in India, Europe, Slavic countries and is valued for its ability to improve digestion, suppress bloating, stimulate the secretion of gastric juice and suppress the development of colic.

The use of black cumin for the body lies in its expectorant, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. It is brewed and drunk with bronchial asthma , bronchitis, influenza. Cumin reduces the level of sugar in the blood, and therefore is indicated for use by diabetics. If we talk about the benefits of caraway for women, it is also associated with some harm. This seasoning is a well-known laktogonnym means, which contributes to the increase of breast milk, but pregnant women with caraway seeds need to be more careful, since after eating a high risk of heartburn.

Benefits and contraindications of cumin

There are not so many of them in this spice. First of all, it concerns individual intolerance and possible allergic reactions. All other side effects do not deserve attention, if you add spice little by little in the process of cooking, but when treating cumin, it is possible to increase the laxative, choleretic effect. With caution should be used it for people with gastritis with high acidity.