Shock! So it looks like a drop of sea water, increased 25 times

This is what everyone should see!

What do you think is depicted in this photo? Funny children's drawings or scrawl, or maybe some drawings or sketches?

But no ... Just photographer David Liittschwager (David Liittschwager) really wanted to know what is contained in seawater, that's why he took her a drop, increased it under a microscope 25 times and photographed!

You will not believe it, but the meticulous photo researcher has checked everything and made sure that even the most crystal clear water from the sea depths contains all this ...

In the lens of the photographer were at first sight simply incredible living creatures - a crab larva, eggs of fish and a lot of bacteria!

And you also now thought about how much water you swallowed during a holiday last summer or even today?

It looks like we have two options left to save - the next time you dive into warm sea waves, keep your mouth tightly closed or ...

Or quickly forget this information (and do not look at the photo) if the suitcases are already packed and tomorrow begins your long-awaited vacation!