Daily Value of Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a necessary element that takes part in many processes in the body. With its lack, serious problems may arise in the work of internal organs and various systems. It is important to know the daily norm of vitamin C, since the excess of this substance is unfavorable for health. There are many products that can be included in the diet in order to saturate the body with vitamin C.

The useful properties of ascorbic acid can be said endlessly, but still it is possible to distinguish such functions. First, this substance helps to strengthen immunity and collagen synthesis. Secondly, vitamin C has antioxidant properties, and it is also important for the production of hormones. Thirdly, this substance strengthens the cardiovascular system and keeps the cells of the nervous system.

The intake of vitamin C per day

Scientists conducted a considerable number of experiments, which allowed to make many useful discoveries. For example, we managed to establish that the older a person is, the more ascorbic acid he needs. To determine the necessary amount of vitamin C, it is important to take into account age, sex, lifestyle, bad habits and other characteristics.

The daily norm of vitamins C, depending on some indicators:

  1. For men. The recommended daily dose is 60-100 mg. With insufficient amounts of ascorbic acid, men have a lower density of spermatozoa.
  2. For women. The daily norm of vitamin C in this case is 60-80 mg. With a deficiency of this useful substance, weakness is felt, there are problems with hair, nails and skin. It is worth noting that if a woman takes oral contraceptives, then the indicated amount should be increased.
  3. For children. Depending on the age and sex, the vitamin C per day for children is 30-70 mg. Ascorbic acid for the child's body is needed to restore and grow bones, as well as for blood vessels and immunity.
  4. With a cold. As a prevention, as well as for the treatment of cold and viral diseases, it is worth to increase this dose to 200 mg. In the event that a person suffers from bad habits, the amount should be raised to 500 mg. Due to the increased intake of ascorbic acid, the body quickly and efficiently fights against viruses, which means that recovery is faster.
  5. During pregnancy. A woman in the situation should consume more ascorbic acid than usual, since this substance is necessary for the correct formation of the fetus, and for the immunity of the future mommy herself. The minimum amount for pregnant women is 85 mg.
  6. When practicing sports. If a person is actively involved in sports, then he needs to get more vitamin C from 100 to 500 mg. Ascorbic acid is important for ligaments, tendons, bone and muscle mass . In addition, this substance is needed for the full assimilation of protein.

If the vitamin C can not be achieved by consuming the necessary food, then a person is recommended to drink special multivitamin preparations. In severe cold and heat, the body should receive more ascorbic acid than usual, by about 20-30%. If a person is sick, experiencing frequent stresses or suffers from bad habits, then to the daily rate should be added 35 mg. It is important to say that the necessary amount of acid should be divided into several methods, and therefore, they will be assimilated evenly.