Cranberries or cranberries - what is more useful?

Cranberries and cranberries are delicious and healthy berries belonging to the same family of heather. In natural conditions, they can often be found very close to each other, but the cranberry loves more marshy soil, and cranberries grows on dry heights. What is more useful - cranberries or cranberries , you can learn from this article.

Useful properties of cranberries and cowberries

Cranberries taste more acidic, it has more acid content, but less sugar. Lingonberry is sweeter than cranberries, smaller in size and has a denser structure, as well as a flattened shape. It is unequivocal to say that it is better - cranberries or cranberries, it is impossible. Both berries have a huge supply of vitamins, minerals and other valuable substances. In cranberries, a lot of vitamin C, as well as K, PP and group B. Among the minerals can be identified barium, potassium, iodine, magnesium, phosphorus . Cowberry practically in no way inferior to it and also includes a huge number of nutrient constituents - iron, calcium, potassium, manganese, as well as organic acids - wine, benzoic, salicylic, etc.

Many are interested in what it is better to use for a cold - cranberries or cranberries, but it is impossible to answer this question unambiguously. Both these berries have been used since antiquity as antipyretic, sudorific, antiviral and antibacterial agents. For the treatment of colds and flu, you can successfully use one of them, and both at once. Cranberry or cowberry mors with a cold will increase immunity and accelerate recovery. Cranberries are useful in cardiovascular ailments and rheumatism, and cowberry has proven itself in the treatment of genitourinary diseases, in particular, cystitis.

Both these berries have a low calorie content: 43 kcal are found in cranberries, and 26 kcal in cranberries, so the intake of both is not contraindicated for obesity and even more, they prevent the deposition of fat in the liver and harmful cholesterol on the walls of the vessels. However, because of the abundance in acid berries, they are not recommended for people with gastrointestinal tract diseases - gastritis and ulcer. And it must be remembered that they are able to absorb toxins and toxins from the environment, so they can be collected only in ecologically clean areas. Frozen, they do not lose their healing properties and can be used both for direct consumption in food, and for making compotes, fruit drinks, jams, etc.