Radish - calorie content

Radish has been known since ancient times. His native land is Asia. Previously, it was widely used for food by the peoples of ancient Greece, ancient Rome and Egypt. The most interesting thing is that the Romans preferred a combination of radish and vinegar or honey. Already in the 16th century this vegetable became popular in Europe. Especially the dishes from it were preferred by the ladies, who care about their figure. After calorie radish is ridiculously small.

How many calories are in the radish?

So, per 100 grams of the product the caloric value of radish is only 25 kcal. In this case, 93 g is water, carbohydrates contain about 3.3 grams, proteins - 1.3 grams, and fats of only 0.2 g.

Not only that nutritionists advise him to include in his diet to those who want to lose a few extra pounds, so still the vegetable is rich in vitamins. It contains vitamins of group B, potassium, sodium , iron. One has only to imagine: in 100 g of the product the daily norm of vitamin C, ascorbic acid. Thanks to radish, the body is easier and faster to create new cells.

It has a large amount of protein, which is so necessary during diets or meals with no meat ration.

Fresh radish can be combined with carrots and, in spite of the fact that its caloric content slightly increases, this mix helps restore the gastric mucosa. It will not be superfluous to use the product in the form of salads, freshly prepared juices.

It helps to get rid of colds, tormenting headaches. And all thanks to the fact that the radish is not only sugar and fats, but also useful for the body's enzymes and fiber.

In addition, the root is able to remove "bad" cholesterol from the body.

However, despite the low caloric content, it is recommended to eat vegetables carefully for those who suffer from gastric diseases. There is no need to limit yourself in this product, just boil it for a few minutes in water.