Dietary soup for weight loss - prescription

According to research data, the tradition of cooking soups developed among settled peoples of the East (China and neighboring regions) approximately 100 years before NE with the appearance of suitable dishes. Ways of making soup, as dishes in the modern sense, developed 400-500 years ago, and cooking as a method, no longer pursues the goal of thermal processing of products, but creates a common harmony of tastes.

The inclusion of soups in various dietary menus when preparing them is a rational and well-founded decision. Correctly prepared dietary soup for weight loss is well saturated, while half consist of a liquid.

Preparation of dietary soups

In the preparation of dietary soups it is important to adhere to certain principles:

Delicious dietary chicken soup for weight loss - prescription



First we will prepare the broth. We fill the meat with cold water, boil after boiling for 3-8 minutes and salt water. Transfer the meat into a clean pan and refill with a small amount of water. Add the onions, bay leaves, peppers, cloves, chopped carrots and ginger root. Cook for at least 40 minutes at minimum heat, periodically removing noise and grease. Meat and carrots are extracted and transferred to a clean bowl. Onions and ginger are thrown away. In a saucepan with boiling broth pawn assorted broccoli, string beans and washed rice. You can also add zucchini, young peas, sweet peppers to the soup. After repeated boiling, cook for 8-12 minutes, without forgetting to remove the noise. Return to the pan meat cut into slices, and carrots. If you want, season the soup with 1-2 tbsp. spoons of quality tomato paste and lightly season with garlic - these products are very active in promoting fat burning.

From this ready-made soup, you can prepare a diet soup-puree for weight loss. To do this, lightly cool the soup and blend it with a blender.

We pour soup into serving bowls, sprinkle with chopped herbs.

If you want to slim radically, eat soup without bread or with diet loaves, at the very least, with homemade croutons from coarse whole grain or bran bread.

Delicious onion diet soup - recipe



To onion soup was really tasty, onions should be at least slightly salvaged in oil (we will not fry). So, cut the peeled onions into thin half rings or quarter rings and pass them in a frying pan with a small amount of olive oil on minimal fire. Onions should acquire light transparency - this degree of processing is sufficient. Also add the nutmeg to the frying pan, and at the end of the process - a little lemon juice and chopped garlic. If you want, you can add a little curry and high-quality tomato paste. Let's leave the passerization under the lid for 15 minutes - let it come.

We lay out on the right portion of onion sausage in soup plates or cups. Add croutons, as well as chopped green onions and other greens. Sprinkle a small amount of grated cheese on top. If you do not want to use cheese, add a little unsweetened yogurt. Fill all the hot broth. We serve without bread. You can also add a little cooked vegetables to the soup: broccoli and / or sweet pepper, young beans, just do not add too much to the onion flavor remained dominant.