Magnesium deficiency - symptoms

Magnesium is an excellent stimulator for the work of the nervous, cardiovascular, digestive, musculoskeletal systems. This microelement increases efficiency, accelerating the transmission of nerve impulses, and is responsible for the work of the heart - its rhythm, nutrition, tone and protection from blood clots. In the field of digestion, magnesium will relieve constipation, and for the musculoskeletal system it is an inseparable companion of the notorious calcium. Moreover, with a decrease in the level of magnesium, calcium simply does not stay in the bones.

And now the stupid question is: why with such obvious utility, do we allow the appearance of symptoms of magnesium deficiency?

With this you need to straightaway.


Let's see what are the symptoms of magnesium deficiency in the body, because the enemy needs to know in person:

And many more troubles can bring a deficiency of magnesium in the body.

We replenish

The causes of magnesium deficiency are often banal. First of all, this is an unproductive food, meager and monotonous. Of course, magnesium from buns and cakes will not get.

Deficiency can also occur in children and in pregnant women. Children actively grow and spend for the structure of bones along with calcium and magnesium. For them, the dose of magnesium is higher than for adults.

And during pregnancy, a shortage occurs when a woman does not increase the content of trace elements in the diet, but remains the same. This is not true, most of the trace elements go to maintain the placenta, nutrition and development of the fetus, strengthening the spine, which is subject to new strains.

The dose of magnesium for pregnant women and children is 6 mg per 1 kg of body weight.

For adults, this is 4.5 mg / kg.

Replenish the deficiency of magnesium is not difficult, if you consume fresh and unprocessed thermally green vegetables every day. Magnesium is a part of chlorophyll, and everything that is green automatically and "magnesium".

In addition, magnesium is much in:

In our body, on a permanent basis should contain 70 g of magnesium. 60% of this quantity is in bones. Since magnesium takes an active part in all enzymatic reactions, when it is deficient, magnesium is "pumped out" of bones into the blood, and the bones become brittle.