Bursitis of the shoulder joint - symptoms and treatment

Bursitis of the shoulder joint is an inflammation that develops in the periarthric bag. The disease is characterized by the accumulation of fluid enriched with proteins and blood particles. To pass or take place inspection and to begin treatment of a bursitis of a humeral joint it is desirable at the first signs. So get rid of the disease will be the easiest. Otherwise, therapy may become more complicated and prolonged.

Symptoms of bursitis of the shoulder joint

Most patients immediately notice changes. Recognize the disease can be on such symptoms as:

Treatment of bursitis of the shoulder joint

If you consult a specialist promptly - within a few days or weeks after the appearance of the first suspicious symptoms - you can be cured without medication and any intervention. It will be enough only to provide peace for the shoulder joint, to remove any stresses from it.

Unfortunately, in more complex cases this scheme does not work. Regardless of what kind of bursitis of the shoulder joint - calculous, stony, subacrominal or any other - treatment primarily involves the elimination of the inflammatory process. This will relieve the pain and make all other manifestations of the disease less visible.

The best in the treatment of bursitis of the shoulder joint are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - such as:

If treated by local means in parallel with injections and tablets, their effectiveness will be higher.

Sometimes with inflammation of the shoulder joint, antibiotics are prescribed:

But it is important to remember that their use is advisable only in cases when the disease is caused by the activity of bacteria.

When the main manifestations of the disease pass, you can proceed to the course of physiotherapy. Good results show electrophoresis with calcium, amplipulse, phonophoresis with hydrocortisone, magnetotherapy. Similar - as after all procedures - the effect helps to achieve and acupuncture.

Strengthen the effect of helping massage sessions and therapeutic exercise. The main thing is not to overdo it. Too sharp movements and excessive loads can lead to a relapse.

In the most difficult cases - which, fortunately, are infrequent - surgical intervention is required.

Treatment of bursitis of the shoulder joint at home

As an independent treatment, folk recipes are not recommended. Best of all, they act in conjunction with occupational therapy.

  1. Quickly remove the inflammation helps compress of burdock roots. The latter should be crushed, boil for five minutes on high heat, insist for half an hour and drain. Keep the compresses for two hours.
  2. Effectively treatment with Kalanchoe leaves. Fresh greens are cut and applied directly to the joint. On top of the sore spot wrapped in a warm kerchief. Repeat the procedure you need every day for a week.
  3. If you do not want to prepare a complex compress, you can use the ordinary cabbage leaf. All you need is to wash it and attach it to the inflamed joint.
  4. Another good tool is hot linseed. Directly from the frying pan of the grain must be poured into a cloth bag and applied to a sore spot until the contents cool.