Complications of diabetes mellitus

Diabetes requires constant monitoring of glucose levels in the body and lifelong treatment. If these strict rules are not adhered to, various specific and nonspecific complications of type 1 and type 2 diabetes often develop.

Acute complications of diabetes mellitus

Hypoglycemic coma

Symptoms of hyperosmolar coma:

Symptoms of ketoacidotic coma:

Hyperglycaemic coma


Late chronic complications of diabetes mellitus

Diabetic nephropathy. It is characterized by the defeat of the kidneys, in which, along with urine, a significant part of the protein is excreted from the body.

Diabetic angiopathy - thickening of the membrane of vessels and capillaries, as well as vascular tissues.

Diabetic retinopathy . It is a lesion of the vessels in the eyes and the main cause of developing blindness, detachment of the retina.

Diabetic neuropathy is the defeat of the nervous system. Over time, the loss of sensitivity of the feet and hands develops.

Infections. Violation of blood circulation and decreased immunity leads to the development of a strong susceptibility to infections.

Atherosclerosis - narrowing of the arteries and their further sclerosing. Usually manifested on the feet and feet.

Heart disease, stroke. Diabetics are susceptible to these diseases due to irregularities in the functioning of the cardiovascular system and frequent lesions of the nerves.

Treatment of complications of diabetes mellitus

Most complications are irreversible, so in some cases it is necessary to simply stop the progression of the disease that has arisen.

Acute complications require urgent medical care and a set of measures to rapidly reduce blood glucose and urine levels.

Late chronic complications can be cured or suspended even in the earliest stages of development:

  1. Control of nephropathy occurs by maintaining normal blood glucose levels. In addition, it is necessary to monitor blood pressure. In the case of progression of this complication, dialysis and subsequent kidney transplantation may be required.
  2. In the case of angiopathy, you need to control the amount of carbohydrate and fatty foods in the diet, lower the concentration of cholesterol and sugar in the blood.
  3. The lesions of the eyes and the retina, unfortunately, can not be cured medically. To stop the progression of diseases it is necessary to constantly maintain the normal level of sugar and cholesterol in the blood, monitor blood pressure. For the restoration of vision, surgical intervention is necessary.
  4. For the treatment of neuropathy, it is necessary to properly monitor the condition of the feet, consult a specialist at the first complaints that arise. In addition, in addition to controlling blood sugar levels, you need to exercise moderately and attend therapeutic massage sessions. It is recommended full refusal from the use of alcohol and smoking.
  5. Frequent infectious diseases greatly weaken the body, so you need to apply comprehensive measures to strengthen immunity. Treatment of infections is desirable to be done without antibiotic therapy, if possible, so as not to oppress the immune system even more.
  6. Treatment of atherosclerosis takes a very long time, requires attention to yourself and scrupulousness. It is necessary to constantly monitor the pressure, the concentration of sugar. It is useful to make slow walks in the evenings, to reduce the consumption of fatty foods.
  7. Stroke and heart disease require inpatient treatment in medical institutions and specialist supervision.