Chronic rhinitis - causes and treatment

Rhinitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane in the nasal cavity. Unfortunately, it manifests itself in many people. Treatment of chronic colds directly depends on the causes of its formation and the duration of the disease. There are many factors that affect the development of the disease.

Causes of chronic colds

Among the factors that provoke the development of chronic cold, the most common are:

  1. Acute rhinitis , which is often repeated. This group also includes an infectious rhinitis.
  2. Anatomical violation of the geometry of the nasal cavity. This may be a curvature of the septum, which often leads to hypertrophy of the shell, or congenital malformations.
  3. Effects on mucous membranes of harmful fumes, caustic odors and dust for a long time. For example, metal or mineral dust easily injures the shell of the nose. At the same time, dust kills the cilia of the ciliated epithelium and worsens the outflow of secretions from the glands. Large clusters of small particles contribute to the cementation and formation of nasal stones. Poisonous gases and vapors cause acute inflammation, and after a while and chronic.
  4. Environment. Dry and warm air dries out the mucous membrane, which depresses the work of the ciliated epithelium. Because of the cold air, there is a reflex change in the tone of the vessels.
  5. Pathological processes that occur in the pharynx and nasal sinuses. For example, the membrane can be irritated by purulent discharge from the paranasal sinuses. This happens with sinusitis or sinusitis. In addition, often there is a narrowing of the nasal passages or a slow course of tonsillitis. In this case, the treatment of chronic rhinitis begins with the elimination of the original cause.
  6. Allergies.
  7. Deteriorated blood circulation in the mucosa as a result of kidney diseases, constipation, alcoholism and nervous diseases.

Drugs for the treatment of chronic colds

There are several popular drugs that can temporarily remove symptoms or even cure chronic chronic rhinitis:

  1. Sprays for the nose. For example, Nazivin or Galazolin . They release the breath of the clock by eight. But the body gets used to them literally in 4 days, which leads to an increase in dosage and a decrease in the duration of the action. At the same time stop taking the drug all the more difficult.
  2. Nasal drops. They can be with antibiotic, astringent and cauterizing agents. After their long reception, in some cases, electrophoresis and laser treatment of chronic rhinitis occur.
  3. Washing with sea water. Special mixtures are already sold in pharmacies. It is only necessary to perform the procedures.
  4. Dimedrol. The fourth part of the tablet must be crushed into powder. Add a few drops of water to get a thick mass. It is applied to the inner walls of the nasal cavity. Preliminary need to clean the nose. In order not to start irritation, you can anoint with baby cream.

Treatment of chronic cold at home with folk remedies

Such methods will help:

  1. Compress from kerosene. As an effective remedy for the treatment of rhinitis, kerosene proved itself. Before going to bed, it must be applied to the sole of the feet and a cloth applied, which is also wetted with fuel. From above it is desirable to put on woolen socks.
  2. Laundry soap. You need to soap your finger and lubricate the foam obtained inside the nose as deeply as possible. The procedure must be repeated three times a day.
  3. Melted butter. Treatment with this folk remedy helps even if the cause of chronic rhinitis is not established. True, it is still powerless against fractures and frequent surgical interventions. A pound of butter should be melted and boiled over a small fire for 30 minutes. Then strain several times through a double gauze. Pure melted butter is drained into any capacity and placed in the refrigerator. Then a small part of it is taken and melted in a water bath. Oil drips 1-2 drops three times a day.