Oncology of the intestine - symptoms and signs of disease

Oncology of the intestine is associated with malignant degeneration of the epithelium. Cancer most often affects the rectum and colon large intestine. It is important to have an idea of ​​the symptoms of bowel oncology to detect signs of a serious illness in the early stages and promptly seek help from a specialist.

Symptoms of bowel oncology

The first signs of bowel oncology can be noticed already in the initial stage of the development of the disease, accompanied by a violation of the integrity of the mucous epithelium of the organ. Although it should be noted that they are not always obvious. In this case, the signs of bowel oncology in the rectum lesion are somewhat different than when a malignant tumor appears in the colon.

So, the main symptoms in colorectal cancer are as follows:

It is possible to suspect the presence of a cancerous tumor in the rectum with the appearance of such signs as:

For your information! In women, colon cancer is more common, and in men - oncology of the rectum.

How to check the intestine for oncology?

Not in all cases, the indicated symptoms indicate the development of an oncological disease, so it is important to undergo a full medical examination in order to establish an accurate diagnosis.

At the first stage of diagnosis, the doctor performs rectal finger examination and sigmoidoscopy - examination with a flexible tube. In the future, colonoscopy is prescribed - a method that is administered through the anal opening into the intestine of a flexible tubule. This method of examination allows you to get biopsy and photos of the intestine.

Another diagnostic method is the barium enema. The examination provides for the introduction of a mixture of barium-air in the anus and obtaining X-rays.

To determine the prevalence of malignant cells in the body, additional studies are carried out:

The results obtained in the diagnosis determine the methods of therapy and serve as the basis for predicting the course of the disease.