Signs of mercury poisoning

The poisoning of a liquid silvery metal vapor is possible when the tip of a mercury thermometer is swallowed, when droplets enter the floor slit or as a result of the spreading of the element over a large area. Consider the symptoms that characterize chronic and acute mercury poisoning.

The first signs of mercury poisoning

If the thermometer tip is swallowed, the following symptoms can be observed:

However, this case is not the most dangerous, since a timely lavage of the stomach relieves a person from the cause of intoxication and removes symptoms. Much more serious is the condition when poisoning is caused by prolonged inhalation of fumes of spilled mercury.

Symptoms of mercury vapor poisoning:

If the inhalation of vapors has led to chronic intoxication, the symptoms of mercury poisoning are supplemented by a characteristic metallic taste. In addition, the inspection reveals:

Simultaneously, the nervous system is affected, accompanied by:

What are the signs of mercury poisoning, but are not necessary? They include:

After a while, there will be signs of mercury poisoning, hard to say. Everything depends on the concentration of the element and the conditions. For example, for chronic poisoning, a systematic inhalation of vapor at a concentration of 0.001-0.005 mg / m3 is necessary for several months. But if the apartment has a floor heating system, the signs will appear much sooner, as the evaporation of mercury will pass more intensively.

For acute poisoning with a rapid manifestation of symptoms, it is enough 0,13-0,80 mg / m3. A tragic outcome occurs when breathing in 2.5 grams of vapors. This situation is almost impossible at home, the risk increases in specific industries as a result of an emergency.

Very intoxication develops, if contact with the metal is carried out through the skin.

The absence of treatment leads to the development of complications. It can be atherosclerosis , hypertension, tuberculosis. Many years after poisoning, liver function abnormalities and malfunctions in the female reproductive system are likely.

Diagnosis of mercury poisoning

If there is a suspicion of intoxication, assays can be confirmed or refuted by mercury poisoning. Blood or urine is taken as the test material. If there is a suspicion of chronic poisoning, hair or nails can be picked up, since the element accumulates in them.

When examining blood or urine, it should be borne in mind that a sharp increase in the concentration of mercury in the biomaterial is not possible immediately after the poisoning, but only after 2 weeks.

To get the most accurate result, before submitting a blood sample it is recommended that in 3 hours you stop eating and do not smoke for half an hour before fence.

When the first signs of intoxication appear, you need to undergo a test and begin treatment. It is worth remembering that procrastination can lead to the transfer of mercury into internal organs. In this case, the concentration of the element in the blood will decrease, and in such organs as the brain or kidneys, accumulate.