Intestinal colic - symptoms

Colic is called acute, cramping pain in the abdomen, caused by irritation of the bowel, which can be caused by different factors. Intestinal colic is only a symptom of the underlying disease that provokes it, therefore, after an attack, it should be examined by a doctor.

Indications of intestinal colic

To judge the intestinal colic in adults, you can by the following symptoms:

Colic is accompanied by loss of appetite and, as a rule, diarrhea. Body temperature remains normal (if there is no infection), but bloating is observed. If the stomach is pressed, the spasms decrease.

There are two more varieties of colic in the localization of pain:

Causes of intestinal colic

Attacks of pain in the abdomen can be caused by:

If there is obstruction due to intestinal adhesions, its kink or swelling, acute intestinal colic is accompanied by painful cramping pains, which eventually weaken and are replaced by abdominal swelling, gases and constipation, as well as worsening of general condition (cold sweat, lethargy).

How to remove intestinal colic?

To reduce the intensity of muscle contractions, the patient is given antispasmodics (Bacarbon, Bellaverin, Diprofen, Drotaverin, Nothenzil, Platifillin, etc.).

Applying a heating pad to the stomach or putting an enema before the doctor's arrival is by no means possible, since these procedures can lubricate the picture, complicating the diagnosis.

Well removes intestinal colic in adults broth chamomile and immortelle.

Traditional medicine suggests using for prevention colic infusions from the following charges:

  1. Olhovye cones (3 parts), erectolus erect, peppermint, thyme and St. John's wort (2 parts), balm and nettle dioecious (1 part) - two tablespoons of raw material are poured in 500 ml of boiling water, insist, drink three times a day before meals for ½ cup .
  2. Cinquefoil (4 parts), blueberry fruit (3 parts), shepherd's bag , sporish and motherwort (2 parts each) - the proportions and the reception schedule are the same.

Diet with intestinal colic

During an attack and after it to the patient, certainly, not before meal - the organism refuses food which at this moment only in harm. If the abdominal pain is regular, with the approval of the doctor, you can and should practice physical therapy, swimming. It is important to eat a full meal, and special attention in the diet should be given to foods rich in vitamins B and C.

If there is a suspicion of allergy to any products, they should be excluded from the menu unconditionally. The amount of meat consumed should be reduced to a minimum. Proper nutrition in intestinal colic is effectively supplemented by taking unconcentrated black teas with a small amount of sugar, as well as drinking tea from fennel, caraway, and yarrow. Useful and soothing drugs: tincture of peony, valerian, motherwort or tea from these herbs.