White sores in the mouth

The appearance of wounds and ulcers on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity indicates the development of infection. Today, let's talk about how to behave if the mouth appeared white sores.

What was the reason?

Sores with a white coloration - this is a typical sign of stomatitis, which, in turn, is of several kinds.

With aphthous stomatitis, the mucosa erodes, becomes covered with aphthae, and becomes inflamed. The resulting sores of white in the mouth (on the cheeks, gums, tongue) cause severe pain, because of which the patient can neither drink nor eat, and even talks with difficulty. This disease often has a chronic, recurrent nature, but provokes its stress, viral infection, hereditary predisposition, trauma, poor oral hygiene, weak immunity, lack of vitamins and minerals in the body.

Herpetic stomatitis is accompanied by the appearance of rashes on the oral mucosa, similar to the usual herpes lips - they are not very similar to white sores in the mouth.

But candidal stomatitis ideally suits this symptom. However, inflammation in the oral cavity can also begin as a result of a mechanical trauma or a burn.

Purulent sores in the mouth

Unlike aphthous stomatitis, in which the middle of the ulcer looks like a crater of a volcano with a whitish rim, with stomatitis caused by fungi (in particular - Candida), reddening on the mucosa, covered with a solid patch of pus. Such sores in the mouth are localized on the gum, under the tongue, on the inner surface of the lips. Purulent raid a little rises above the plane of the mucous membrane. If it is scraped, an inflamed and slightly bleeding tissue will appear below.

This disease is most common in children.

Treatment of white sores in the mouth

Having found out on mucous a rash, it is necessary to address to the stomatologist and not to waste time for a selftreatment. The doctor will write out antiseptics, which will need to rinse your mouth. If the pain is severe, local anesthetics are used, for example gels with lidocaine. If The rash is accompanied by itching, drinking antihistamines.

If you are concerned about the inflammation caused by Candida fungus, unpleasant sensations will help to remove rinses with soda, but this should be done only after the diagnosis is made, otherwise the picture will be smeared.

At a herpetic form of stomatitis take Acyclovir (only with the approval of a doctor).

If the white sores in the mouth began to appear systematically, it is worthwhile to undergo a test, focusing on the state of immunity: recurrent oral infections are characteristic for HIV infection .