Can I get pregnant mandarins?

In view of the many prohibitions that must be strictly observed during the bearing of the fetus, being in the position of a woman quite often think about whether pregnant women can have tangerines. Let's try to answer this question.

Is it possible to eat tangerines during pregnancy and what are they useful for?

If a woman has never had any allergic reactions to citrus use, then you can eat mandarins early. In the first months of pregnancy there is only the formation of the fetus. Therefore, the use of citrus fruits can not affect his health.

It should also be noted that this fruit can be an excellent tool in the fight against toxicosis, which is often observed at the onset of gestation in expectant mothers. In addition, in the composition of tangerines, albeit in a small amount, but contains folic acid , which is simply necessary for the processes of hematopoiesis and the normal formation of the placenta. In addition to all, this acid is an excellent preventive means of miscarriage and the development of a frozen pregnancy.

Ascorbic acid, which is found in high concentrations in citrus fruits, helps the weakened, female body during pregnancy to fight against pathogenic bacteria and viruses, thereby preventing the development of acute respiratory viral infections. Also, these orange fruits are rich in trace elements such as phosphorus, potassium, sodium, calcium. Their composition includes vitamins A, B, P.

Essential oil, which is also present in the mandarin, positively affects the general well-being of the pregnant woman, increases her mood.

Can all women eat mandarins during pregnancy?

As already mentioned above, there is no contraindication to the use of these fruits while waiting for the baby. The only exception, perhaps, is the allergic reaction to citrus fruits. In such cases, the answer to the question as to whether it is possible to eat mandarins during pregnancy will be strictly negative.

As a rule, in such situations, women know in advance about having an allergy. That's why you should not eat citrus while carrying the baby. After all, even from 1 lobule can develop an allergic reaction, there will be a rash and itching.

How many tangerines a day can pregnant women eat?

It is very important to know the measure. And even those women who have not previously noted the body's reaction to mandarins, should not uncontrolledly eat these fruits.

If you specifically talk about how many mandarins a day you can eat pregnant, then allergy doctors recommend eating no more than 1-2 fruits. In this case, it is best when a woman in the position uses these fruits not every day, but 3-4 times a week. The thing is that the mandarins themselves are related to histaminolibrators, i.e. in fact, contribute to the release of the same substances that develop in any kind of allergic reaction. As a result of prolonged use of this fruit, there may be the appearance on the body of large blisters that itch and deliver great discomfort. This condition is also dangerous and that as a result, a baby with a predisposition to allergic reactions may appear on the light.

It is also worth noting that excessive use of tangerines during childbearing can lead to an increase in the tone of the uterine musculature, which is a consequence of an increase in the concentration in the body of vitamin C.

Considering all the above facts, doctors answer the question of expectant mothers about whether it is possible to eat a lot of tangerines to pregnant women (even at late gestation), they respond negatively.