Apilac for lactation

As it often happens: soon after childbirth, young women feel tired, become irritable, or even completely fall into depression. Against this background, there are problems with lactation: the milk becomes less and less, the baby spends whole days at the breast, which makes mom even more nervous. Restore the body of a nursing mother, cope with postpartum depression and support lactation will help apilak.

Apilak - composition and properties

Since Hippocrates, beekeeping products have been used by doctors to treat various diseases and maintain the general tone of the body. Apilac is a natural preparation based on royal jelly. This special substance is produced in the glands of worker bees and is used to feed the queen bee.

The composition of the apilac includes vitamins (C, B1, B2, B5, B6, B8, B12, H, folic acid), macro- and microelements (calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, manganese, copper), as well as 23 amino acids , including the irreplaceable. Such a set of biologically active substances will help a young mother cope with fatigue and postpartum depression, improve immunity and improve lactation. Among other properties of apilac, doctors note his ability to improve blood circulation and metabolism, to normalize blood pressure and restore the body after heavy physical and psychological stress.

How to take apilac?

Under the action of gastric juice, royal jelly is destroyed and loses its healing properties, therefore, to improve lactation, sublingual tablets of apilac are used. The use of the drug should be a course: apilak take 1 tablet 3 times a day for 10-15 days. The tablets are placed under the tongue and completely dissolve.

It is not necessary to drink apilak in the evening: the tonic effect of the drug can cause sleep disorders. Doctors warn against excessive and uncontrolled use of royal jelly. Despite its environmental friendliness and naturalness, apilac is still a medicinal product. So, only the attending physician should decide the question of how long and in what doses it is possible to take apilac.

Apilac for lactation - contraindications

Most people tolerate royal jelly enough, and yet, like any bee product, apilac can cause allergies. Hypersensitivity to the drug may manifest as irritation and redness of the skin, rash or itching.

Against the background of taking apilak other side effects are possible:

Carefully take a closer look at the baby: you will not notice any manifestations of allergy in yourself, and a child who is exclusively breastfed can get rash. In this case, it is best to stop taking the drug and seek medical advice from a doctor. In addition, apilac is categorically contraindicated in people suffering from adrenal gland disorders (Addison's disease).

When does apilac begin to act?

First of all, young mothers who are experiencing lactation problems are interested in the effectiveness of the drug. Most women who took apilac to improve lactation, noted that a few days after the start of the drug, the amount of milk increased. Others regretted the inability of the apilaka to influence the production of milk.

Having studied the reviews of nursing mothers, the doctors came to the conclusion that a woman's psychological mood plays a huge role in improving lactation. In addition, to enhance the effect, experts recommend combining the reception of apilac with the use of special herbal teas that stimulate the production of milk.