Is it possible to smoke a nursing mother?

Not all smoking girls are ready to give up this addiction after the birth of the baby. That is why, quite often they think about whether it is possible to smoke a nursing mother.

How can nicotine affect a baby?

If the nursing mother smokes, nicotine falls into the crumb not only through breast milk, but also with the air inhaled by the baby. Laboratory studies have shown that those children whose mothers smoked during lactation are more likely to suffer from such diseases as bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma . In addition, the risk of oncological diseases increases.

What effect does nicotine have on a nursing mother?

If a nursing mother has been smoking for quite some time, this can not but affect lactation. So nicotine leads to a decrease in the volume of milk produced, and even can completely inhibit its release. In this case, the baby becomes irritable, whiny, badly gaining weight.

The smoking woman has a sharp drop in the level of prolactin circulating in the blood , which causes the duration of the lactation period to decrease drastically. In addition, the milk of the smoker's mother contains less so necessary baby, vitamin C.

What can I do if I can not stop smoking?

Quit smoking, when you breastfeed the baby can, but it is not so easy to do. That's why many mothers are interested in how to make smoking less affected by a baby. For this you need to consider the following nuances:

  1. Smoking is best after the baby has already eaten. It is known that the half-life of nicotine is 1.5 hours.
  2. Do not smoke in the same room as the crumb. To do this, it is better to go to the balcony or, if possible, to the street.

Thus, the answer to the question as to whether it is possible to smoke a nursing mother is, of course, negative.