Benefits of breastfeeding

The appearance of the long-awaited baby is a joyful event for every mother, but even before it, modern moms are puzzled by the need for breastfeeding. There are many opinions on this subject, which specialists reduce to one: breastfeeding is necessary for both the baby and the mother.

Pros of breastfeeding

The main advantage of breastfeeding for the child is strengthening immunity. Applying the baby to the chest in the first minutes of life helps him to survive the birth stress and gives a sense of security. Subsequently, children, breastfed, are less anxious and easier to cope with stressful situations.

Mixtures can not provide the baby with the benefits of breast milk. The presence of antibodies, lactose, calcium and many other elements in it contributes to the proper formation of all the systems of the baby's body and its full protection from infections. The main part of breast milk is easily digestible water, because of which the first time there is no need to dopaivat child.

Breastfeeding is important not only for the newborn, but for the mother. The advantage of breastfeeding is the accelerated recovery of the female body after childbirth. Lactation contributes to the reduction of the uterus and is an excellent prevention of cancer. The advantages of breastfeeding include the production of endorphins, known as "hormones of happiness." Mom's good mood is always transmitted to the baby, which strengthens their connection at the psychological level and improves mutual understanding.

Disadvantages of breastfeeding

Future mothers, when deciding on the type of nutrition, worry about possible disadvantages of feeding the chest. All the negative points, they are marked, mainly associated with their own appearance and amenities for the mother herself. The main concern is the fullness, which is a consequence of a high-calorie diet. Completely restore their form of mother can only after the lactation period.

The first months of a mother's baby's life feel the discomfort associated with producing a large amount of milk. All that the child has not finished, after each feeding, the mothers express. This process must be repeated at night, which is not always convenient. Help in this matter are breast pumps, greatly facilitating the process of expressing milk. It should be remembered that these inconveniences are temporary, and the best health reward for choosing the right type of food is the baby's health.