Mastitis in a nursing mother

Mastitis in a nursing mother is one of the most serious diseases that occur in the postpartum period.

Mastitis occurs when there is a violation of hygiene and the rules of breastfeeding. As a result, the infectious process develops in the mammary gland. Proceeding from this, it is possible to single out the main causes of mastitis in lactating women:

  1. Lactostasis and the circumstances that contribute to its appearance. At the same time, milk stagnation occurs, and in the event of microorganisms entering the ducts of the mammary glands, a purulent-inflammatory process develops.
  2. Cracks and microtraumas of the nipple, which are the "entrance gates" for bacterial flora. Most often, the disease causes staphylococci and streptococci, that is, bacteria that normally form part of the microflora of the skin.

Signs of mastitis

The presence of mastitis can be suspected by the appearance of the following symptoms:

The more pronounced these symptoms, the more active the inflammatory process, and, accordingly, the course of the disease is more severe.

Methods of treatment of mastitis

Treatment of mastitis during feeding should begin as early as possible, at the first signs of the disease. Treatment of mastitis in a nursing mother should first of all be to empty the gland in order to eliminate further stagnation of milk. Pumping is necessary to carry out even despite the expressed painful syndrome. If it is impossible to express, apply drugs that suppress lactation. It also helps to remove the symptoms of applying ice wrapped in tissue on the affected chest. In the presence of cracks and microtraumas of the nipple in the complex treatment of mastitis in nursing women, it is necessary to add Bepanten cream or ointment. This drug is used for the treatment of nipples and will speed up the healing process.

The basis of conservative therapy of the disease is antibiotics. Treatment of mastitis in breastfeeding antibiotics is to prescribe these drugs for 5-10 days, depending on the severity of the condition. Of antibiotics, it is preferable to use Amoxicillin, Oxacillin, Cefazolin and Cephalexin.

Treatment of abscessed mastitis in nursing often requires surgical intervention, which consists in opening and draining the abscess.

Breastfeeding with mastitis

Now it is necessary to understand, whether it is possible to feed a baby with mastitis. It should be noted right away that there are several degrees of development of this pathology. Therefore, the possibility of breastfeeding with mastitis is determined precisely by the severity and extent of the disease. So, they are allocated serous, infiltrative and purulent mastitis. Less common form with the formation of abscesses, phlegmon or gangrenous form. All of the above forms - this, in fact, the successive stages of the development of the disease.

It is believed that with mastitis, you can feed your baby with breast milk, if only a small area of ​​inflammation has appeared, and there is no excretion of pus. Purulent mastitis in a nursing mother is a contraindication for breastfeeding. As with the milk from the gland pus is released. And the use of such milk can lead to the development of diseases in the baby. First of all, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is impaired in the child.

The decision of the question of whether it is possible to feed a child with mastitis is also complicated by the fact that antibiotics are needed for treatment. And these medications can get into breast milk and with it into the baby's body.