Temperature when breastfeeding

Can I breastfeed at elevated temperatures? Often, the breastfeeding mother listens to advice that it is impossible to breast-feed at high temperatures, and you can not take medicines. The way out of this situation is to express and boil the milk, and then to feed the baby with this milk. Most often such things are said by people who know absolutely nothing about breastfeeding.

If a nursing mother has a common cold or a common viral infection accompanied by fever, it is not necessary to interrupt breastfeeding, since the baby's need for breast milk only increases.

Why not stop breastfeeding?

Cessation of natural emptying of the breast can lead to an even higher temperature rise. Also, the suspension of breastfeeding can lead to the formation of lactostasis, which will only worsen the condition of the mother.

Continuing breastfeeding at elevated temperature, the mother through her milk provides protection for her child from a viral pathogen. The mother's organism produces antibodies against the pathogenic virus that enter the baby's body with mother's milk, and if the child is deprived of the immune support of the mother, he will have to fight the virus alone, which increases the risk of the baby's illness, because the mother can infect it.

If a child is weaned, in order to avoid milk stagnation, mom will have to express milk up to 6 times a day, which is very difficult at temperature. If you do not express the milk, stasis may form, as a result of which mastitis may develop.

No pumping is compared with breastfeeding, because the baby is best free of breast milk. Lactation at a temperature does not change, milk does not become bitter, does not get sour and does not curdle, as it is often heard from "well-wishers".

But when boiling, milk loses its properties, and most of its protective factors are simply destroyed during boiling.

Fighting the temperature while breastfeeding can use paracetamol, or the drugs in which it is contained. Do not use aspirin.

The rise in temperature is a protective function of the body against virus stimuli, because at an elevated temperature, the viruses lose the ability to actively multiply, and it is recommended that the temperature be lowered only if the nursing mother is hard on it.

To treat viral infections, it is sufficient to use symptomatic treatment that does not affect breastfeeding. Treating with cold cures, using inhalants, and gargling, are all> compatible with breastfeeding temperature.

For the treatment of diseases caused by pathogenic microorganisms, for example, angina, mastitis, pneumonia, etc., it is necessary to use antibacterial drugs and antibiotics compatible with breastfeeding. There are a lot of such drugs, these are various antibiotics of the penicillin series. Strongly contraindicated antibiotics, which can affect the growth of bones or hematopoiesis. These antibiotics can be replaced by safer analogs, not contraindicated in breastfeeding.

In any case, for the treatment of infectious diseases it is necessary to select drugs compatible with breastfeeding, for example, treatment with various herbs, homeopathic preparations.

In order to determine the compatibility of a drug with breastfeeding, it is necessary first of all to consult an experienced specialist.

Be healthy!