Russian rituals

Each people has traditions and customs. Russian rituals make it possible to determine the mentality and content of the people. In this article we will talk about Russian folk customs, which arose a long time ago and are used by many people to this day.

Russian rituals and customs

  1. The infant is baptized on the fortieth day from the moment of birth. Russian national rites teach that a child should be named after the saint, who was also born on that day. Many people adhere to this custom to this day.
  2. Earlier, weddings were held only in the autumn and winter, in between large posts. On the table must necessarily be a kurik - a wedding cake and dishes from a bird. When young people enter the house, they are greeted with bread and salt. It is believed that those who break off a larger piece of bread will perform a dominant role in the young family.
  3. On the night of 6 to 7, before Christmas, people dressed in unusual outfits, went from house to house, sang Christmas carols and received refreshments. This custom was held by people of all ages. Today, this is mainly done by young people.
  4. On the night of Baptism, water becomes sacred in all sources. In this regard, people arranged a holiday, played games and cooked delicious meals. Today, on this day, go to church for service or bathe in the springs. According to popular belief, if a person is bathed in cold water, he will not be ill the whole year.
  5. Christmas trees are considered to be an ideal time for fortune-telling . To do this, choose desert houses, cellars, attics, cemeteries, canopies, etc. Answers to questions consist of random sounds, forms of melted wax, animal behavior, the number of even and odd objects, etc.

Few people understand, but the old Russian rituals are not a simple set of certain actions. Each of them has its own meaning, which was slightly forgotten by the modern generation, but begins to be remembered again.