Plots of Wangi

During her life, Wang paid great attention to various conspiracies and advice that help a person get rid of various diseases, financial and other problems. To this day, many different rites have come, which any person can use if desired.

Money conspiracy Wangi

Simple rituals help get rid of various problems in the material sphere and attract financial flow to yourself. Vanga during her lifetime talked about the fact that conspiracies can be dangerous for a person, so they are worth using only if there are serious problems. It is also important to believe in the success of the ritual and to follow all the recommendations correctly. There are many different options, consider some of them.

Ritual №1 . Vanga's conspiracy for money is recommended to read on Friday at sunset. It is important to wear a loose white shirt and dissolve the hair. Sit face down in the eastern corner of the room. On the inside of your ring finger, write the name of the currency with a pen or draw a money symbol. Then, with your finger, lean against the corner and say three times:

"I will call to my bow to the forces of darkness and light forces. Devils from the abyss of fire and angels from the heavens of the lungs. I will ask the terrible power of the house to draw my money bag and success-benefactor. I will ask the angels to learn how to act decisively and correctly, so that my good always remains with me. And yes, it will help me to overcome this, that my burden fell on my shoulders. Amen".

After that, go to bed immediately, but wash your hand only the next day.

Ritual №2 . To attract money to the house, you can use Vanga's conspiracy to riches. Take a glass or any other glass jar and pour water into it. Then turning to the water, say these words:

"How many will enter my door - there will be so many assistants. And enemies do not have enemies in my door. How many times the door will open - so much good will come to the house. And evil, rage, unclean force, grief and trouble there is no turning. Happiness - in the house, good - in the house! Amen".

Then go to the doorstep of the house and sprinkle it with a spilled liquid.

Ritual №3 . In order to attract money luck you can use the following rite. The ritual must be performed early in the morning on an empty stomach. Prepare a crust of black bread. It will serve as a certain magnet for attracting money and good luck. While holding the bread, read the following plot by Vanga:

"O Lord our God, Jesus Christ, you fed the hungry with five loaves, so feed me and my family, make my life abundantly full, turn my luck to me, woe - turn away the mischief from me. Let the road of fullness and joy enter my house, let the money come to me, and I promise to spend them wisely, for the benefit of all, and let the wealth intelligently multiply, our Lord for glory. Say my key and lock. Amen".

Then the bread must be eaten.

Vanga's Conspiracy from Drinking

It is best to conduct the ritual using a liquid. The ideal time for this is the 19th day of any month. It is recommended to take water from the source. She poured into any glass vessel and tell the plot:

"In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit." One person was born, was baptized, lived, let him go. As he is dead, so (name of purpose) alcohol does not take into the mouth, does not drink. As one hand is dead, so the other hand does not pour wine, does not carry it to mouth, does not pour vodka into its mouth. (The name of the goal) does not pour more wine into the bowl, does not drink alcohol. I cross myself (the name), cross myself and cross myself, but I am saved from wine. Ivan the Baptist, help, be you servant of God (name of the goal) / servant of God (name) from wine the deliverer. My word is strong, do not kill anybody. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Then spit three times over your left shoulder. Concealed liquid can be mixed in the food or drink of an alcoholic. You can still spray it yourself man.

In addition to the plot, Wang suggests using an infusion prepared on the basis of grass. In general, there are many recipes, consider one of them.



Grass, combine, take 2 tbsp. spoon collection and pour them 0.5 liters of boiled water. Bring to a boil and cook over minimal heat for 10 min. Leave everything insisted for an hour, and then strain. You need to use infusion according to 1/3 of st. three times a day. The course of treatment is a month. Then take a break for 1.5 months. and repeat everything.

Wang's conspiracy to work

The ritual of the Bulgarian healer helps to protect yourself from unforeseen circumstances and various problems. Read the plot is recommended for a new thing, for example, it can be a handkerchief or a pin. Take an object and say these words:

"O Lord my God, I am before You.

I ask You to save me,

Defend the defender.

I ask all holy men

Save and protect:

Ivan the Theologian,

Ivan the Long-suffering,

Ivan Bezglavoy,

Ivan the Baptist,

Ivan the Baptist,

Michael the Archangel,

Archangel Gabriel,

Nicholas the Wonderworker,

Praskovya the Great Martyr,

Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia.

I stand up under your shield,

Which will defend me.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

The selected object is recommended to be worn at all times, but it is worth preserving it from prying eyes. Otherwise, the thing will simply lose its magical powers.

Vanga's conspiracy to fulfill desire

The Bulgarian healer recommends initially to decide what you want most and clearly formulate the desire. 3 days before the ritual, one must start fasting , not using obscene and other bad words. It is necessary to get up before dawn and wash with clean water. This will help to wash away the accumulated sins and negative. Go out into the street, face east, cross three times, bow down and touch the ground. Having felt, as positive energy acts, tell such plot:

"I will rise early

I'll rise until the sun is visible

Yes, look at the eastern side

And aside, there is a wonderful country

And there are three wise men in the country

And they say smart words

Yes, everyone helps, nobody is denied, who needs

The first sage will tell me where happiness is to be found

The second will show how to get away from grief

And the third will show where my desire

To him and go

And the sun will show me the way! "

Wishes that relate to personal life come true the longest.