Slavic symbols and their meaning

In every folk culture, sooner or later, an esoteric system of signs appears, conveying knowledge, mystical abilities or concepts of deities in the simplest geometric figures and their combinations. Slavic symbols, for example, are an integral part of the faith and community of distant ancestors.

Slavic symbols and their meaning

The best scientists of the world work on deciphering the degree of their importance for culture and religion. Slavs - one of the most numerous nationalities in the world, living mainly in the territory of Southern and Eastern Europe. Far from immediately scientists have found detailed evidence of their beliefs and rituals. Symbols of the Slavs are like classical runes. They reproduce in the visual image faith in higher powers. The ancestors of the Slavs deified natural phenomena and asked for their protection.

Slavic symbol of the Kolovrat

Everyone saw a sworn guard at least once in life. In spite of the widespread idea, the Kolovrat is a Slavic symbol of the sun, and not a fascist sign. The ancient word "colo" means a circle or a wheel, so he is assigned the personification of the annual rotation of the solar disk as an endless process. Kolovrat has several aspects of interpretation, which are worth knowing about:

  1. The charm protects the seasonality of the seasons and the succession of elements of the natural element - fire, water, earth and air. For this reason, the classic Kolovrat has exactly eight rays.
  2. The second name of the Slavic Slavic symbols is svarga, because the god Svarog moves through the sky like the sun.
  3. The direction of the rays from the center to the edges shows the connection of the sign with the light deities promising good protection.

Symbol of Lada among the Slavs

Slavic goddess Lada was given a special place in the pantheon of Slavic idols. It played the same meaning for the female, as a symbol of the sun for the ancient Slavic men. Like Svarog, Lada was the original god, referring to the top of the pantheon. She took part in the creation of a man, which allowed women to consider her a keeper of a home and strong marriages. The symbol of the goddess Lada from the Slavs is called the Star of Russia and looks like an eight-pointed star, including a square intertwined with two ellipses. It is used as a talisman in the following cases:

Symbol of the Sort of the Slavs

There were also symbols of this nationality that did not have a specific deity personifying them. Such is the patron of the people of Rod, who manifested himself in everything living - from flowers and trees to livestock and people. It was believed that caring for their loved ones, a man shows what he put in the particle of the Rod. Its sign is identical to the four-pointed swastika with rounded edges. Slavic amulet symbol of the Rod was used for:

  1. Survival of the family. In difficult times, swastikas were depicted on clothes, household utensils and other household items.
  2. Defense during the fighting. Such sacral symbols of the Slavs, as a sign of the Rod, were applied to shirts and scabbards, so that their possessor would survive in a fatal battle.
  3. Help in the disclosure of talent. Teenagers, confused in the choice of work or suffering from bad habits, were given amulets with Rod in order to return them to a righteous life.

Slavic symbol of the Valkyries

The name of this sign does not simply correspond with the name of the Scandinavian warrior goddesses, but is a kind of mirror image of myths about them among the Slavic nationalities. No other symbols of the ancient Slavs bear such a powerful protective meaning for defenders and warriors. With the Valkyrie there are three interesting facts:

  1. Not everyone was allowed to wear it: the prerogative was given to the active participants in combat battles, but not to veterans and invalids who returned from the war.
  2. Solar Slavic symbols, which is the Valkyry, are designed to smooth out the energy of war, to calm the rage of people.
  3. The emblem was considered capable of protecting priestly books from extraneous curious eyes.

Slavic symbol of the flower of the fern

Perun's color or fern flower is one of the oldest signs of Slavic belonging. The eight-pointed swastika has a special esoteric meaning: it embodies the all-winning power of solar energy. The symbol of the fern among the Slavs is a testimony of the love of the Blessed Virgin and the heavenly warrior, who, as a gift, Perun presented the flower. It blossoms only once a year - on the days of the summer solstice, occurring on June 20, 21 or 22 depending on the solar cycle. Perunov color has a dual nature, which in ancient times knew all the priests:

  1. On the one hand, it is a powerful weapon against the evil spirit: the Slavs' protective symbols for the house have always been adorned with his image. It was believed that it prevents the penetration of devils and demons into the house.
  2. On the other hand, the fern itself attracted people unclean. He brought good luck in theft and the discovery of other people's treasures, which made him popular with thieves mascot.

The Slavic symbol of the Alatyr

There were also such amulets, which only people with the gift of prophecy or fortune were allowed to use. Future witches and oracles revered the alatyr - the eight-vertebral star, personifying the center of the world and the eye of the whole race, concentrating his knowledge and strength. It was created by Svarog and used by Ilya Muromets in the battle with the otherworldly forces. Alatyr is a symbol of the Slavs, uniting the unity of the two principles - male and female. It should be used to:

Symbol of the Slavic trefoil

If Valkyrie was familiar to Scandinavian peoples, then the shamrock is still popular in Ireland. The obverse symbols of the Slavs in the form of three petals are also called the sign of the Holy Trinity . As in Ireland, so in Russia it was part of the sacred ceremonies used during the priestly traditions. Because of his pagan past, disputes about his conditionality in the Christian culture are still widespread. Trefoil clover is considered the ideal of natural harmony due to equilateral contours and proves the existence of divine craft in nature.

Slavic symbol of trikvetra

Shamrock is often confused with trikvetrom because of the phenomenal similarity of the two signs. Trikvetr differs in that it does not have a "leg" -basis, which is at the clover leaf. It is often called the "Varangian" symbol, although the ancient Celts did not rarely depict it in their sanctuaries. Trikvetr does not look like the other protective symbols of the Slavs: it was a way to convey through generations the knowledge of the movement of the Sun in the sky. Its corners are the main positions of the luminary, when it is at dawn, at its zenith and before sunset.

Slavic symbol of garuda

Considering that almost all the swastikelike signs depicted Svarog traveling across the sky, it is logical that he should have a chariot. Garuda - pagan symbols of the Slavs, identified as a fiery wagon, on which moved Svarog and Vyshen. It is also curious that sometimes they were painted as cosmic birds-singers of cherished desires. Adherents of the god Vishnu in India left similar images in the temples. The garud wardrobe is needed for the following purposes:

The meaning of the symbol waltz among the Slavs

In the Vedas of the Rusich, this sign migrated after their acquaintance with the German-Scandinavian people. The image belonged personally to the god Odin: it was dedicated to the tree of Igdrasil, in which all nine worlds, including the Earth, were enclosed. Replenishing the ancient Slavic symbols, the waltz was renamed the knot of the elect. He was considered a triune sign, revealing such aspects of the universe as:

The meaning of the symbol of Triglav for the Slavs

The image of the Great Triglav was present in the culture of many peoples, but Rusichi had a special passion for him. Other Slavic symbols-amulets had no temples, while Triglav were three at a time. It was believed that he follows all three kingdoms: Yavliy, Pravyu and Navey. If Triglav was angry, one of his glances could burn the wall dividing the past, the future and the present. Slavic symbols of the three intertwined rings were needed for the priests to prevent the wrath of Triglav, which leads to the destruction of the world. Simple people could use it for: