Signs of adultery of her husband

To break the idyll between spouses can do anything. A happy family life can be overshadowed by quarrels, misunderstandings, jealousy and betrayals. The latter is very "painful". We'll talk about the signs of male infidelity today.

Why does this happen?

Treason is treachery. To collide with such an act on the part of a loved one is always unexpected and painful. Before talking about the traits of the betrayal of her husband, we need to understand the reasons for this behavior.

Why do men change? It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally:

  1. The reason is in a woman. Where marriage - there are children. Sleepless nights, a catastrophic lack of time, constant cooking, cleaning, ironing - where to find time for yourself? Marriage is a real "test of strength". The man, in turn, wants to see a beautiful, well-groomed, happy woman at home. But the reality is far from desired. In everyday cares, a woman loses her brilliance, completely dissolving in children and taking care of the house. How to be in this case? First, the husband should understand that this period needs to be experienced. But most of the work, again, will have to be done by the wife. Ask to help your mother, sister or girlfriend. Let some of them stay with the baby for a while. Under such circumstances, take the opportunity to take care of yourself: take a bath, make a cosmetic mask, manicure, a pedicure. Meet your loved one as if you were going on a date with him. Gladify yourself and him.
  2. It's about behavior. External attractiveness can not compensate for nervousness in behavior and constant tantrums. Men can not stand shouting and whipping dishes. Try to control your emotions and feelings. Do not "strain" your beloved for nothing, constantly find out the relationship and make a claim. Marriage is a serious job where you need to stick together.
  3. The reason is in the man. It seems that he married "on his own," and his eyes are scampered around. There's nothing to be done, men are different. Someone has got used to bathe in female attention, love and affection, and is not ready to part with such joys of life. Womanizer, Don Juan, or Casanova - not so important, these men can be seen right away. A ladies' man does not re-educate, and you will not be able to replace all his women. You knew who you were marrying, so you'll have to put up with it.
  4. From the temporary clouding of the mind, no one is insured. A man can leave the family, but in most cases husbands return. As they say, the reins hit the tail, or the devil beguiled. Or maybe the crisis of middle age is to blame.


    The first signs of a man's betrayal are immediately apparent:

About what other signs of the betrayal of her husband can be said for a long time. In each situation there are special cases. Strangeness in the behavior of the spouse is difficult not to notice. You should be alerted to the following:

Such signs of adultery, like lipstick on the collar and women's panties in the pocket of the jacket - this is a hackneyed theme of anecdotes. In life, men are much smarter and prudent. If a man once went "left", you are unlikely to find out about it. He, as they say, did business and walks boldly, more precisely, he changed his mind and calmed down. If the betrayal has become frequent, the husband has taken a mistress, in this case you need to decide: either with him or without him. You can wait, of course, for a while, but you have to decide something all the same. Respect yourself and take care of your family hearth.