17-OH progesterone lowered

OH-progesterone or 17-OH progesterone is not a hormone, although the first impression of the name is exactly that. Other of its names are 17-OH, 17-OPG, 17-alpha-hydroxyprogesterone. But no matter how it is called, it is obtained as a result of the metabolism of steroid hormones secreted by the ovaries and the adrenal cortex.

17-OH progesterone is an important semi-finished product, from which hormones are subsequently formed. A reduced or elevated level of this substance should not cause concern during pregnancy. However, in other periods, this should alert.

If 17-OH progesterone is lowered

If the level of 17-OH progesterone is low during pregnancy, it carries no threat to the baby. During this period, the blood test does not provide useful information to the doctor and patient. It is much more important to determine the level of progesterone in a child after birth.

In general, the analysis for 17-OH progesterone is taken on the 4th-5th day of the menstrual cycle. Do this no earlier than 8 hours after the last meal. There are certain norms for the concentration of this substance, depending on the phase of the cycle and the age of the woman. In pregnancy, there is usually an increase in 17-OH progesterone.

If 17-OH progesterone is lowered (we are not talking about the period of pregnancy), this indicates a number of disorders in the body, such as:

If a woman has congenital dysfunction of the adrenal cortex, this can lead to infertility , although often the symptoms are not manifested and the woman is quite happily pregnant and gives birth.

However, if you have any abnormalities in the production of 17-OH progesterone, consult a specialist. There are all chances that you can, with the help of timely treatment, normalize the level of the substance and avoid unpleasant consequences.