What can not be done with menstruation?

A few days before the start of menstruation for most women are characterized by unpleasant sensations. This and physical discomfort (headaches, pulling the sensation in the lower abdomen, fatigue, drowsiness), and causeless grievances to others, and irritability. Changing the hormonal background makes a woman so vulnerable and weak that I want to take all possible preventive measures in advance. And for this it is necessary to find out what is possible and what can not be done with menstruation, so as not to worsen the general condition.

The physical aspect

  1. The female body is weakened during menstruation due to loss of blood. Any physical activity provokes an increase in secretions. That's why you can not run at monthly intervals, swing a press and even dance. If physical stresses can not be avoided in this period, then prepare yourself for hygiene (tampons, gaskets) with a higher degree of absorbency.
  2. Many women do not understand why you can not bathe with monthly if tampons solve all aesthetic problems. When menstruating the cervix is ​​slightly opened, so the pathogens, abundantly contained in the water, can easily penetrate into the vagina. That is why bathing in a bathtub and in any water bodies should be replaced with a shower. Harm from the shower just will not, and cleanliness and a sense of freshness you are guaranteed.
  3. Do not also visit saunas and baths. In addition to problems with infection, high temperatures in these establishments will increase blood circulation, and, therefore, will provoke a large loss of blood. That's why you can not bathe with menstruation, especially if menstruation is usually accompanied by abundant secretions.
  4. The same reason doctors explain and why you can not drink with monthly alcoholic beverages. Elevated blood pressure, provoked by alcohol, will result in significant bleeding, and well-being will worsen.
  5. Despite the fact that the reproductive system is not directly related to the digestive tract, there are a number of products that can provoke pain, bleeding, constipation, nausea and diarrhea. So what can not be eaten with menstruation, so as not to exacerbate the discomfort? This is fatty and spicy food, red meat, eggs, milk, untreated vegetables, as well as tea, coffee and carbonated drinks. Kashi, fish, chicken, chamomile or mint tea - the best diet for menstruation.
  6. Concerning sexual intercourse on such days, there is no definitive prohibition. The only thing to consider is an increased susceptibility to infections, so during sex with a monthly it's better to use a condom, even if your partner is permanent.
  7. If you have a need for medications during your periods, then be sure to consult your doctor about this. For example, aspirin refers to drugs that dilute blood, that is, bleeding will increase, and the period of menstruation will increase. To reduce pain, take paracetamol or ibuprofen. Also on such days it is necessary to postpone any surgical interventions, because blood at monthly turns is bad, which can lead to bleeding.
  8. It is also not recommended to carry out cosmetic procedures (lifting, lifting, curling, dyeing hair). Changed for a while the hormonal background can easily lead to an unexpected result. But the myth that during the months can not be sheared, - really a myth.

Moral (spiritual) aspect

Many are aware that you can not go to church with a month, you can baptize a child, and why - do not know. Religion is a difficult question, therefore it is impossible to claim the truth. In the past, when the words about the prohibition of visiting the church "women in uncleanness" appeared in the Bible, no one even suspected of special hygiene. It is logical that women were not allowed into the temple for aesthetic reasons. But today this physiological process is completely controlled and invisible to others, therefore, monthly visits to the temple are not a hindrance.