Tumor of the breast in women - symptoms

In view of the deterioration of the ecological situation and the continuous impact on the body of carcinogenic substances, tumor-forming formations are becoming more widespread today. It should be noted that women most often from the organs of the reproductive system is affected by the chest. Consider in more detail such a violation as a breast tumor, and we will name the main symptoms that are observed in women with this disease.

What is commonly understood by the definition of "swelling"?

In medicine, this term refers to the pathological proliferation of tissue cells of an organ, under which a change in its qualitative characteristics occurs, which is accompanied by an inadequate performance of the function.

It should be noted that malignant and benign forms of formations are usually isolated. The first is often called "cancer" in the people. A distinctive feature of this form of the disease is the fact that in most cases the pathological process is almost uncontrollable. As a result of growth, the growth of cells in neighboring organs and tissues is metastasis. Benign can also respond well to treatment.

What forms of benign tumors are common?

It is worth noting that the symptoms of a benign breast tumor directly depend on the type of tumor. So, allocate:

  1. Fibroadenoma - a tumor consisting of connective tissue and cells of glandular epithelium of the mammary gland. With this form, a woman can feel in the chest ball-like formations that are painless and small in size.
  2. Cyst is a thin-walled tumor that contains a liquid inside. As a rule, with this form there is an increase in the breast in size, which a woman simply can not help noticing.
  3. Intra-flow papilloma - characterized by the proliferation of epithelial cells, which are localized in large ducts, mainly near the nipple, areola. The main feature of this form of benign breast tumor is serous, sometimes bloody discharge from the nipple.

What are the symptoms of a malignant breast tumor?

In most cases, a biopsy of the glandular tissue helps to differentiate the malignant form. In other words, the symptoms of a malignant breast tumor are very similar to those seen in benign neoplasm.

The first signs of the development of breast cancer include the appearance of seals, engorgement and swelling of the breast. However, often a woman marks tingling in her chest. However, such changes are not related to cyclic ones. With the passage of time, the symptomatology progresses.

Among the main signs of a malignant tumor of the breast, which a woman should pay attention to, it is necessary to name: