Inflammation of the vagina

Among gynecological problems, women often have inflammation of the vagina. Usually a healthy woman in microflora is inhabited by microorganisms, the so-called vaginal sticks, which produce lactic acid. Thanks to it, pathogenic microbes are killed and do not cause inflammation. But sometimes this self-defense does not work, and inflammation of the vaginal mucosa, or colpitis (vaginitis) develops. Why this happens and how to deal with this disease, we'll try to figure it out now.

Causes of inflammation of the vagina

The factors that cause colpitis include:

Inflammation of the vagina: symptoms

Symptoms of colpitis depend on the form of its course. Isolate acute, subacute and chronic colpitis.

In acute inflammation, there are badly smelling purulent discharge. There is itching in the perineum. There is redness and swelling of the vaginal mucosa. Possible pinpoint hemorrhage. In severe cases, small erosions are formed in their place.

In the subacute form of colpitis reddening and swelling of the mucous membrane are less pronounced. Occasionally, dotted elevations appear on the walls of the vagina.

Chronic inflammation of the vagina is usually lethargic or asymptomatic. From time to time, a selection appears. Inflammation of the vagina is often accompanied by vulvitis - a disease of the external genitalia. The combination of colpitis with vulvitis was called vulvovaginitis.

Treatment of inflammation of the vagina

Self-medication is not worth doing, just like ignoring colpitis symptoms. The diagnosis of "inflammation of the vagina", and recommendations for treating this disease - in the competence of only a gynecologist. Diagnosis of vaginitis is based on women's complaints, gynecological examination and vaginal secretions (bakpos, PCR). Treatment, which will appoint a gynecologist, will depend on those factors that led to inflammation of the vagina.

If colpitis causes infectious diseases, a woman and her partner will be prescribed antimicrobial drugs - antibiotics. Bacteriological seeding will reveal the best antibiotic to which the microbe will show sensitivity. To restore the microflora prescribe drugs with lacto- or bifidobacteria. Protect the liver from the action of antimicrobial drugs will help hepatoprotectors.

If it is not possible to identify a microorganism that causes colpitis, local antiseptics are prescribed-candles for inflammation of the vagina (for example, Betadine, Clindamycin, Dalacin, Neo-Penotran, etc.). Usually the course of treatment lasts from 3 to 7 days. Also, syringings or tampons with herbs, antiseptic solutions are possible.

If the cause of vaginosis are endocrine disorders (dysfunction of the ovaries, thyroid disease, menopause), then the treatment is reduced to the normalization of the hormonal background of the woman.