Nutrition for burning fat

They say that training is 20% success in losing weight, and the diet is all 80%. Of course, it's silly to hope for something one of the two - without proper nutrition (which we mean by the term "diet"), no cubes will look out on your stomach from fat, and without training - they just will not appear.

In general, how would you not like to dodge, and without food to burn fat anywhere. Therefore, proceed.

Food for burning fat

Dietary food for weight loss - it's not 500 kcal per day. In fact, such a sharp decrease in calorie content only leads to an increased accumulation of fat, because the body is afraid of hunger. But the introduction of foods that accelerate metabolism in the diet will very much help.

First of all, the food for fat burning is based on the consumption of liquid, namely, water. In order to withdraw all the decay products, accelerate the metabolism and activate fat burning , you need to drink about 2 liters per day.

Approximate nutrition for weight loss is a combination of a large amount of protein and a moderate content of carbohydrates and fats. All three components are necessary, it is just the protein that is fat burning. The reason is simple - there are products that enrich us with energy, but there are those that require more from us than give themselves. This is what proteins are - products with a negative calorie content. The best protein foods for a diet:

In addition to dairy products, we need a real animal protein - fish and meat. And, the fish is preferable, because its protein is digested better.

And the most natural fat burner is vitamin C. It is found in all berries, citrus and salad. It is believed that those who daily consume a large dose of ascorbic acid lose 25% more actively than those who avoid vitamin C.