Salt water for weight loss

Water is not just a unique substance. The presence of liquid water on other planets allows us to hope that living organisms can exist there, and even on Mother Earth, there is no life where this simple and surprising H2O molecule is absent. We use it in its pure form, as well as in the products and various drinks. By the way, in the diet of modern man, the latter gradually replace the usual water, which is far from always good: often they carry additional calories that are not consumed in the modern way of life , but settle in extra kilograms, interfere with the assimilation of food, and often are simply harmful for example, a favorite of teenagers soda). One of the alternatives offered by some supporters of proper nutrition, instead of the usual drinks, is salted water, the benefit of which is that it presumably helps to cleanse the body and fight the extra pounds. Let's find out if this is really true and whether the salted water is that miraculous elixir for weight loss, allowing you to lose weight without diet and exercise.

Slimming with salted water

This method came to us from yoga, and initially had nothing to do with losing weight. The main task of Shank-Praxalan (this is what this technique is called) is purification of the body, in particular of the intestine, from the accumulated slags in it, which interfere with the well-coordinated work of all the systems of our body. In general terms, it looks like this:

1. Water preparation: warm salted water (about 36-40 degrees C, salt concentration - sea or rock salt - 15-20 g per liter of water) is taken for the bowel cleansing procedure.

2. The main part of the procedure: on an empty stomach 1 cup of salted water is drunk, then a set of exercises (asanas) is performed:

3. It is necessary to drink salted water and alternate exercises until the defecation begins to produce almost pure water.

As already mentioned, the goal of this procedure is to cleanse the body, losing weight is rather a pleasant side effect, but not an end in itself. Moreover, if you perform the Shank-Praxalan procedure only with the goal of getting rid of extra pounds, it can not work at all, because it is very important emotional mood. In addition, this technique is quite radical, and it is necessary to conduct it for the first time only under the guidance of an experienced mentor, otherwise attempts to drink salted water to finally lose weight can result in staying in a hospital ward.