With what do they eat pesto sauce?

Like hundreds of other recipes of Italian cuisine, pesto sauce has won the hearts of consumers for a long time and reliably keeps them. Easy to prepare, the classic pesto consists of three basic ingredients: basil, cheese and olive oil, and what else does a gourmet need for happiness?

About that, to which pesto sauce is served and with what it is eaten we will talk further.

Macaroni with pesto sauce

Among all the variety of dishes, where pesto sauce is added, the paste remains a classic. Having prepared a jar of pesto in the fridge, you can cook an unmatched dinner in a matter of minutes. How? Look!



To make pasta, you need to fill a large pot with water and wait for it to boil. After boiling, add salt and pour the pasta according to the instructions on the package. The time pastes on cooking should be enough for the preparation of fresh pesto.

Basil leaves quickly blanch in boiling water to soften. 8-10 seconds will be quite enough. Blanched basil immediately fill with ice water, and then completely dry. Put the leaves in a blender along with cedar, cheese, garlic and butter. Whisk at maximum speed until a homogeneous mass is obtained (about a minute). Do not forget about spices.

Throw the pasta in a colander, quickly season with sauce and serve with an additional portion of grated cheese. And do not even think about what to replace the pesto sauce, because, as you can see, it is extremely simple and quick to prepare.

How to use pesto sauce in pizza cooking?

Where else do pesto sauce add? Of course, in an authentic Italian dish - pizza. Mix it with tomato sauce or lay out by yourself - it will be equally delicious.



Prepare a simple dough, mixing flour with baking powder and water, and kneading until elastic. We roll the dough into a layer as much as possible resembling pizza in shape, grease it with tomato puree, cover with pieces of cherry and cheese. Bake pizza at 200 ° C for 15 minutes, then pour the pesto before serving and enjoy. Did you ever cook pizza more easily?

Dishes with pesto sauce: flavored bread

The use of pesto sauce can find dozens of variations that differ in their simplicity and accessibility, but you will hardly be able to find it easier and more affordable than this recipe. Stunningly flavored bread with a classic basil sauce is something that definitely needs to be served with an easy dip at any party.



We put garlic cloves in a stupa and rub with a generous pinch of sea salt to the consistency of the paste. The resulting paste is combined with melted butter and put everything on a minimal fire, for 3-4 minutes. During this time we, not only that get rid of the obsession of raw garlic, but also give the oil a greater flavor.

Baking the baguette yourself is a dreary business, and so take a ready-made loaf and cut it from above, about a third, crosswise. In the notches, pour garlic oil, top with pesto and add grated cheese. Put the baguette into the oven at 180 ° C for 15 minutes under the foil, and then another 7-10 without it.