Pregnancy after Byzantine

Byzanne refers to hormonal drugs prescribed for various types of hormonal imbalance in women and its consequences. Often, this condition leads to the development of such a violation as endometriosis. It is to combat it that this drug is often used.

In the composition of the drug there is dienogest, - compounds of composition and structure are very similar to progesterone. The use of the drug promotes healing of the mucosa, inhibition of the process of growth of endometriosis tissue. The drug is excreted completely out of the body after 6 days, most of it in a day.

After how much does pregnancy occur after the reception of Byzantine?

In most cases, the drug is used to treat infertility associated with insufficient development of endometriosis tissue. With this pathology, the implantation process is difficult, as a result of which spontaneous abortion occurs at short duration .

According to the statistics, the experience of doctors, pregnancy after Byzantium occurs within 3-6 months after the drug has been swept away. In fact, it is possible in the next cycle.

When can I plan a pregnancy after Byzantine?

Answering this question, doctors advise to use the barrier method of contraception for 1-2 months. During this time period the hormonal background will be restored, the thickness of the etheric layer will increase, which will promote implantation and development of pregnancy.

It is also worth considering the fact that during the period of treatment it is necessary to use contraceptives to avoid the onset of conception. If this happens, it is worthwhile to see a doctor, stop the treatment with Visan, as. Studies on the effect of its components on the fetus were not performed.