Renal for cats

Properly selected feed and feed additives for your pet are the key to a healthy and long life. Renal feed for cats is a high-grade food containing all the microelements and vitamins your pet needs in its daily ration, and its development takes into account the animal's age, size, health and lifestyle.

This is a high-quality feed, especially successfully used for castrated animals, as well as for animals with kidney diseases. When kidney diseases in cats significantly reduced appetite, therefore, an important factor is the taste of food.

Also there is Renal - fodder additive for cats, which contributes to the improvement of metabolism, the normalization of kidney function. Applying this feed supplement for chronic kidney disease, you can achieve reduction in the animal hyperaemia, reduce oxidative stress, improve the digestive process, at any stage of the disease.

This additive is in demand, due to the rapid effect, with the correct dosage and the fulfillment of all requirements for use, it has virtually no side effects, except for the individual intolerance of any component.

Rules of application of the drug Renal

The composition of the drug includes potassium citrate - 36 g, maltodextrin - 36 g, chitosan - 16 g, calcium carbonate - 16 g.

When using Renal for cats, you should follow the instructions clearly. Cats weighing up to 2.5 kg should receive 1 serving a day, if the weight of the animal is from 2.5 kg to 5 kg - you need to give daily 2 portions, cats more than 5 kg receive 3 servings daily. Daily dosage can be divided into 2-3 admissions, according to the number of feedings of the animal.

Doses of Renal for cats are measured with a measuring spoon, attached to the package. The course of treatment lasts one month, it can be increased only on the recommendation of a veterinarian. If the damage in the kidneys has reached ¾ of nephrons, and the disease has become irreversible, then the treatment continues throughout life.

The drug is preferably used together with the wet food of Renal for cats, if the pet is accustomed to dry food, it should be slightly moistened for better mixing. It can also be used as an independent agent used in conjunction with other veterinary drugs, and with mandatory diet.