Moral values

The moral values ​​of man or, as they are also called, ethical virtues, are inculcated in man throughout his life. They are an important part of the world view and have a great influence on the thoughts and behavior of each individual.

Formation of moral values

The first moral values ​​of personality are found in the earliest childhood. Even then, parents explain to the baby what is good and what is bad, how to act correctly in certain situations, why something can not be done, etc. Simply put, they bring him up.

At this time, all the words of adults for the child are an indisputable truth and do not cause doubt. But the kid grows, gets in a situation of moral choice and gradually learns to draw conclusions independently.

In the transition years, the system of moral values ​​is subjected to serious influence on the part of peers. Against the backdrop of hormonal outbursts, frequent changes in views, resistance to the position imposed by parents, and a constant search for answers to important questions are possible. An essential part of moral beliefs is acquired at this age and remains with a person for life. In consequence, of course, they can change in difficult life situations and under the influence of people who are considered authoritative.

The problem of true moral values

It's no secret that moral values ​​are often associated with religion. Believers do not question the words of the scriptures and live in accordance with the laws laid down there. To some extent, this makes life much easier, because the answers to the main questions have long been found. And if the spiritual values ​​described there are close to everyone, society can become purer and kinder. This is ideal. But the brutal reality has repeatedly proved that at all times there were craftsmen who interpreted the doctrine in such a way that people were going to kill their neighbor in the belief that they were doing this for the good of God.

Now we are gradually moving away from religion, but it is replaced by codes of laws, the ideology of social movements and much more. And one and the same person can simultaneously be imposed completely opposite views. And it is extremely difficult to understand them and choose something really worthwhile, worthy and right. This situation assumes that each individual takes the main decisions for himself, and the true moral values ​​are individual.

Preservation of moral values

Despite the fact that the moral ideals of different people can differ significantly, one can still identify quite a lot in common. Higher moral values ​​remain unchanged for many centuries.

For example, freedom, which allows a person to act and think according to his desires, limits only his conscience. It is also an important value.

Also extremely important components of moral well-being - physical and mental health, respect for oneself and others, guaranteed security and inviolability of personal life, the right to work, recognition of its fruits, personal development, creative expression of one's abilities and self-realization.

For many people, the highest moral value is love. And the truth, the desire for a close, sincere attitude, the creation of a family, the continuation of the family and the upbringing of children is often one of the main meanings of life. If we are striving to prevent our life from being useless, then is it not worthwhile to ensure a dignified life for those who remain after us?