Flukostat - cheap analogues

On the basis of the same active substance, many identical preparations can be produced. Their cost rarely depends on the quality of cleaning ingredients and the complexity of manufacturing technology, as a rule, it is formed in accordance with the producing country. In fact, the pharmacy sells absolutely identical medicines with a huge difference in price. The clearest example of such a drug is Flukostat - cheap analogs of this antifungal drug cost 2-4 times less, and in terms of effectiveness, they are not inferior.

How can I replace Flucostat?

To find worthy preparations identical Flucostat, it is easy, if you carefully study its composition.

The active ingredient of the tablets under consideration is fluconazole. This is a triazole derivative, which has a powerful antifungal activity against most pathogens of mycoses, cryptococcosis and candidiasis.

Thus, absolutely any drug based on fluconazole can act as a substitute for Flucostat. The main thing is to pay attention to the concentration of the active ingredient in the preparation. It must correspond to the doctor's prescriptions.

The list of analogues is cheaper than Flucostat

The most simple and logical option for replacing the described agent is Fluconazole. As the name implies, the active ingredient of these tablets is the same substance as in Flucostat.

Fluconazole is available in the form of capsules and tablets with different concentrations of the active ingredient. The blister can contain from 1 to 10 pills, depending on the needs and duration of the therapeutic course prescribed by the doctor.

The difference in the cost of medicines is amazing. Fluconazole is cheaper by more than 15 times. In this case, the indications for use in both drugs are exactly the same:

If Fluconazole is not found, instead of Flucostat, you can buy the following inexpensive antifungal drugs:

It is important to note that there are no analogues of Flucostat with the prefix "Solutab" (dispersible in water). Tablets are too bitter for making a solution or resorption in the mouth.

When selecting a substitute for the described drug, it is important to turn to the indications for its use. If it is intended to treat cutaneous mycoses, cryptococcosis or onychomycosis, the use of generics and synonyms based on other active ingredients, for example, ketoconazole, clotrimazole, itraconazole and similar chemical compounds with antifungal activity, is allowed.

The best inexpensive analogue of Flucostat

Despite the huge variety of cheap medicines, completely identical in composition with Flucostat, preference still should be given to the long-known Fluconazole. In fact, it is this antimycotic agent that is the original, and on its basis all other preparations have been developed, including the expensive Flucostat. In addition to the low price, Fluconazole is characterized by high efficiency, speed of action and relative safety. He does not have so many contraindications and side effects, and the duration of the drug in medical practice allows you to predict the reaction of the body to its reception in advance.