Vitamins for Women

All women try to look great and remain attractive regardless of age. This is a natural desire of a woman, and nothing can be done with it, and it's not worth it. After all, men like healthy, beautiful and attractive women. However, some moments in a woman's life can adversely affect her appearance. It can be pregnancy or natural biological cycles, also the appearance can be affected by fatigue at work, stress, lack of sleep, etc. Unhealthy appearance can reduce a woman's self-esteem, and affect the relationship with people, because a woman can just feel insecure.

One of the first aid measures in days difficult for women are vitamins. Vitamins are chemical substances that take a direct part in all processes of the human body. The human body itself does not produce vitamins, except for vitamin D, so vitamins must constantly enter the body from food.

What are the best vitamins for women?

The best vitamins for women are those found in food. Fresh vegetables and fruits are an excellent source of all vitamins necessary for a woman. You can also buy vitamin complexes for women sold in pharmacies, but they are worse absorbed.

In order to determine which are the best vitamins for women, we will consider what problems vitamins should solve and where these vitamins should be sought.

Vitamin A - prevents skin aging, makes it more elastic and soft. The greatest content of vitamin A in milk, liver, eggs (yolk) and hard cheese, as well as carrots, red pepper, apricots and sea-buckthorn.

Vitamin D is a necessary vitamin for women after 30. Helps strengthen bones and prevents osteoporosis that affects women of this age. Reduces soreness during menstruation. Contained this vitamin in cereals, red fish, sardines, egg yolk and dairy products.

Vitamin E is necessary for the production of collagen and elastin fibers of the skin. Promotes retention of moisture in the skin, which allows it to remain beautiful and young. Vitamin E for women after 40 years allows the skin to look younger, removes leg cramps.

Vitamin K is necessary for good blood coagulation, which is important in childbirth. Also, this vitamin helps to eliminate puffiness and it is used in the treatment of skin pigmentation. Sources of vitamin K: greens, cabbage, dogrose (fruits), oats, green tea, cereals and fruits.

Vitamin B6 - softens the manifestations of PMS, prevents the occurrence of malaise during pregnancy, is able to stimulate the growth of the embryo of a future mother. Contained in chicken, cod liver, fish, oysters, potatoes, bananas, cereals, nuts and seeds.

And what about future moms?

Vitamins and minerals for women planning pregnancy play a very important role in nutrition, the right diet should contain the optimal amount of mineral salts in order to avoid edema of the extremities, abdominal cavity and face due to water retention in the body of the expectant mother.

The daily need for vitamins in the diet is covered by consumption of vegetables and fruits, but in the cold season increases the deficit of natural vitamins, then you can use vitamin complexes for women and multivitamin preparations.

Everything has its time

At different stages of life, the body needs different vitamins: