Gastroduodenitis - symptoms and treatment in adults of all forms of the disease

Gastroduodenitis, the symptoms and treatment in adults which we consider in the article, is considered a common disease of the gastrointestinal tract. Characterized by the disease as a condition in which inflammation develops in the stomach and duodenum. Symptoms of the disease occur for various reasons. It is recommended to start fighting with them after the first appearance.

Gastroduodenitis - what is it?

Diseases are well studied. Gastroduodenitis is an inflammatory process that occurs in the duodenum and pyloric stomach. The disease is a form of chronic gastritis, in which inflammation spreads to the duodenum. The impact of pathological factors leads to a disruption of the physiological regeneration of the mucosa and its atrophy. As a result, dyskinesia of the duodenum develops, the tone and motor motility of the stomach increase.

Gastroduodenitis - classification

So far, there has been no single classification of inflammatory processes. Therefore gastroduodenitis (symptoms and treatment in adults also depend on the form of the disease) is classified according to the following characteristics:

  1. By origin, the disease can be primary or secondary.
  2. Depending on the changes caused by inflammation of the gastric mucosa, gastroduodenitis is classified into superficial, erosive, atrophic, hyperplastic.
  3. On the basis of histological studies, ailments of different degrees of inflammation are distinguished: mild, moderate, severe.
  4. According to the clinical picture, gastroduodenitis can be at the stage of exacerbation or remission.

Superficial gastroduodenitis

This is a polyethological disease, which is characterized by inflammation only mucous. During endoscopic examination, superficial gastroduodenitis can be distinguished by minimal inflammatory criteria: puffiness is negligible, thickenings and hyperemia are seen on the folds of the mucous membrane. This form of the disease is considered the most common, with it is easiest to fight. If the ailment is not given enough attention, it will develop into a catarrhal gastroduodenitis.

Erosive gastroduodenitis

The main difference between this form of the disease - in the appearance of erosions on the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum. Multiple small sores are located on the surface of tissues. With the timely beginning of treatment, it is easy to cope with erosive gastroduodenitis. Otherwise, against the background of wounds during inflammation of the gastric mucosa begins to develop peptic ulcer.

Hyperplastic gastroduodenitis

For this form, the disease is characterized by pathological proliferation of tissues. The surface of the mucosa with hyperplastic gastroduodenitis is covered with benign processes. The latter can spread throughout the mucosa or be localized only in a certain part of the organ. As in the case with other types of the disease, hyperplastic gastroduodenitis treatment should be started promptly. Only to make it it is possible not always, because the ailment often proceeds without obviously expressed symptoms.

Atrophic gastroduodenitis

This variety of gastroduodenitis differs in secretion. With mucosal atrophy, the glandulocytes that provide the process are replaced by simpler formations. In most cases, these are cells that simply produce mucus. As a result of the loss of glandulocytes, the glands start to work incorrectly, the digestion process is disrupted. Atrophic gastroduodenitis, whose symptoms and treatment in adults may differ, develops against a background of deficiency of hydrochloric acid and pepsinogen.

If the disease is characterized as focal, then the pathological process is localized and does not spread to organs. Even in this case it is absolutely not recommended to neglect the disease, otherwise chronic atrofic gastroduodenitis will develop, which will be treated longer and harder. In addition, atrophy is often the forerunner of oncological diseases.

Gastroduodenitis - causes

Inflammation of the mucosa of the stomach and duodenum may appear against a background of different factors. As a rule, gastroduodenitis - symptoms and treatment in adults - appears due to:

Acute gastroduodenitis

With this form, all symptoms of the disease appear brighter, and the patient's state of health deteriorates sharply. The aggravation of gastroduodenitis in most cases occurs as a result of:

Chronic gastroduodenitis

With this form, gastroduodenitis - symptoms and treatment in adults - leads to violations of motor-evacuator and secretory functions. Subsequently, it can cause a complete reconstruction of the gastric membrane. The problem can develop both against the backdrop of internal disorders in the body's work (primary gastroduodenitis), and because of malnutrition and other external factors (secondary gastroduodenitis).

Endogenous - primary - chronic inflammation of the gastric mucosa occurs, as a rule, because of:

Secondary chronic gastroduodenitis - symptoms and treatment in adults - is a consequence:

Gastroduodenitis - symptoms

Every organism reacts to the disease in its own way. In most cases, inflammation of the gastric mucosa has the following symptoms:

All forms of gastroduodenitis can take a long time - for several months and dozens of years. The periods of exacerbation are replaced by remissions and vice versa. During the remission, signs of the disease do not appear, and the patient feels great. In the period of exacerbation, all the symptoms of inflammation become pronounced, and the specialist can not do without the qualified help of a specialist.

Pain in gastroduodenitis

Although all the symptoms of gastroduodenitis in adults differ from case to case, almost all patients experience painful symptoms. The pain, as a rule, is dull and localized at the top of the abdomen, in the peripodal region or from the left hypochondrium. Attacks last from a couple of minutes to several hours. The intensity of pain depends on which part of the gastrointestinal tract is damaged.

With large-scale lesions of the duodenal mucosa, soreness appears in the middle of the night or a few hours after eating. Experts call this symptom hungry pain. From them helps to get rid of snacks. If there is a lesion of the gastric tissues, the pain begins to persist shortly after eating and does not last for several hours.

Gastroduodenitis - treatment

Inflammation of the gastric mucosa treatment involves a long, complex, very serious. One elimination of symptoms is not enough. Therapy is aimed at combating the causes of the disease and preventing its occurrence in the future. How to treat gastroduodenitis, each patient decides with the doctor individually. In most cases, a set of therapeutic measures includes:

Gastroduodenitis - preparations

Different medications work in their own way:

  1. To normalize corticovisceral violations, patients are prescribed sedatives.
  2. Motor-evacuation disorders are treated with prokinetics.
  3. If the disease is due to bacteria, it should be treated with antibacterial medicines.
  4. To normalize the synthesis of hydrochloric acid, the treatment of gastroduodenitis in adults involves the use of antacids.
  5. To restore the balance between protective and aggressive factors, cytoprotective medicines help.

The most popular drugs for gastroduodenitis are:

Gastroduodenitis - treatment with folk remedies

It is not necessary to rely solely on alternative therapies, but as an auxiliary, gastroduodenitis treatment is ideal. Herbal mixtures work best with the ailment. For the preparation of the simplest recipe you need to mix in the same proportions dried chamomile, yarrow and St. John's wort and pour a glass of boiling water. Drink the food before meals three times a day. Similarly, a medicine is prepared and taken from mint.

How to cure a gastroduodenitis flax?


Preparation and use

  1. Flax chop and pour water.
  2. Put mixture on fire and bring to a boil.
  3. After boiling, the medicine should be held for another quarter of an hour on the fire.
  4. Leave the remedy for about an hour.
  5. You need to take flax about half a glass three times a day one hour before a meal.
  6. The duration of treatment is a month.

Eating with gastroduodenitis

An important stage of treatment is a diet with gastroduodenitis. The patient should take food at the agreed time, at least 6 times a day (the interval between meals should not be more than 3 hours). Dinner should be at least 2 hours before bedtime. The diet of a person with gastroduodenitis should be diverse and enriched with useful substances. Drinking and food is recommended to be consumed in a warm form.

Diet with gastroduodenitis in the acute stage implies a complete refusal of food for several days. During this period, the patient is best to give preference to drinking. It is useful to use slightly sweetened tea and dog-rose infusion. In a few days you can start eating, but only soft, cut into small pieces, food. From cereals, spices, sauces, canned foods will have to be abandoned.

Menu with gastroduodenitis also excludes: