What helps Sulgin?

Acute intestinal infections are conventionally classified into 3 subgroups by pathogens - bacterial, viral and protozoa. This type of digestive pathology includes more than 30 diseases.

Symptoms of infection of the intestine are often recommended by Sulgin - from which the medication helps, it is worth finding out before the beginning of treatment. This drug is active against only one type of pathogens, so you should carefully read the instructions for its use.

What is the prescription for Sulgin in tablets?

According to official recommendations on the use of the drug in question, its indications are certain types of bacterial lesions of the intestine:

It is a mistake to believe that Sulgin is effective against any diarrhea, and take it at the first sign of diarrhea. In acute intestinal infections, provoked by protozoan microorganisms or viruses, this drug will not help. In addition, it does not exert an intensive influence on other varieties of pathogenic bacteria, for example, gonococci, clostridia, salmonella and leptospira.

Is Sulgin an antibiotic or not?

It is considered that any antibacterial agent is an antibiotic. However, in medicine this definition does not include antimicrobial drugs.

The fact is that Sulgin is effective against only some species of bacteria, whereas standard antibiotics, especially a wide spectrum of activity, have a systemic effect on all microbes present in the body that are sensitive to the chosen drug.

Thus, Sulgin is not an antibiotic. This medicine belongs to the group of antimicrobial medicines.

What is the basis of Sulgin's action?

The active ingredient of the described preparation is sulfaguanidine.

This substance is practically not absorbed into the blood and is not digested, remaining in the intestine for a long time. Due to this, sulfaguanidine suppresses the synthesis of proteins necessary for reproduction and survival of pathogenic Gram-positive and Gram-negative microorganisms.

Method of application of Sulgin

Depending on the purpose of use, two regimens for the treatment of the drug are developed.

In acute intestinal infections, Sulgin's single dosage is 1-2 g. On the first day of the disease, it is necessary to take pills 6 times, every 4 hours. For 2-3 days the frequency of use is 5 times. On the 4th day you need to drink the drug 4 times in 24 hours. The last, 5 th day, therapy - 3 times. If necessary, prolongation of the course of treatment up to 7 days is allowed.

If Sulgin is prescribed as a prophylactic for preventing complications of surgical intervention, then the therapy starts 5 days before the operation - 50 mg of sulfaguanidine per 1 kg of body weight every 8 hours (3 times a day). Starting the next day after the procedure, Sulgin is taken in a similar dosage and at the same frequency throughout the week.

It is important to note that the described medication can lead to a deficiency in the body of B vitamins and pronounced crystalluria. Therefore, during treatment with Sulgin, it is necessary to maintain or intensify diuresis. It is not superfluous to start taking vitamin complexes or only vitamins of group B.