Heartburn during pregnancy at a later date

According to statistics, 80% of women expecting a baby, during pregnancy, have heartburn. This condition is a burning sensation and bitterness in the area of ​​the chest and throat, usually appearing some time after eating.

The duration of an attack of heartburn can vary from 5 minutes to several painful hours, while the medications help only for a short period of time. Heartburn attacks in expectant mothers occur throughout the duration of pregnancy, however, most often this occurs in later terms.

In this article we will tell you why there is heartburn in pregnant women in later terms, and what to do to ease your condition.

Why does heartburn occur during late pregnancy?

Heartburn during pregnancy in later terms is usually caused by the following reasons:

  1. Violation of the hormonal background. During the entire waiting period of the child, the hormonal background of the woman is constantly undergoing serious changes. Sometimes the feeling of discomfort in the stomach appears only in later periods, but in most cases, the so-called "hormonal" heartburn tortures the expectant mother almost from the very beginning.
  2. Often at the end of the waiting period of the baby, the sphincter can not fully perform its work due to increased intra-abdominal pressure, which causes heartburn.
  3. The enlarged uterus at the late stages of pregnancy rather strongly presses on the intestines and stomach, which can lead to the throwing of stomach acid into the esophagus.
  4. Overeating can also trigger an attack of heartburn.
  5. Finally, heartburn during pregnancy in later periods often causes a pelvic presentation of a crumb. In this case, the baby is located in the mother's tummy with the buttocks down, and its head tightens the diaphragm intensively, which promotes the appearance of uncomfortable sensations.

A similar situation can be observed if the expectant mother expects the birth of a too large child, as well as in the case of multiple pregnancies.

Can there be heartburn immediately before childbirth?

Some women experience painful heartburn for 9 months. Many of them believe that heartburn before delivery only intensifies, and they are very surprised when one day this terrible state suddenly ceases to torment them.

In fact, the sudden cessation of heartburn indicates the imminent approach of birth. When a pregnant woman drops her tummy, before meeting with the newborn baby remains no more than two weeks. At this time, excessive pressure from the stomach and diaphragm is eliminated, and the persistent mother of heartburn retreats.

Treatment of heartburn during pregnancy in later periods

Unfortunately, most pregnant women never get rid of heartburn in the last trimester of expecting a baby. Meanwhile, the following tips will help you to weaken its manifestations and minimize the number of seizures:

In the event of an intolerable attack of heartburn on late dates, medications such as Almagel, Rennie, Gaviscon or Maalox may be taken.