Bone Panality

In the absence of treatment or improper therapy of subcutaneous purulent inflammation of the soft tissues of the finger, as well as in the case of infection of open fractures, a bone felony occurs. This disease is also called phalangeal osteomyelitis. It is extremely rare, in only 5% of cases of all panaritium , but it is the most difficult in terms of treatment, it can cause irreversible consequences.

Symptoms of bone felon

In the initial stage, the pathology under consideration resembles subcutaneous suppuration:

Over time, the disease progresses, and the listed signs become more pronounced. Bony panaritium proceeds with an intense, sometimes - intolerable, throbbing pain in the whole phalange of the injured finger, which swells, takes the shape of a bulb and practically does not move. The skin on it shines, the upper layers of the epidermis crack and peel.

Treatment of bone felon

If an described disease is detected, an urgent operation is prescribed.

To prepare for surgery, a series of disinfecting trays with a warm solution of manganese is carried out.

The essence of the operation is to open and drain the purulent focus, remove dead tissue. In the presence of "melted" areas on the bone (openings) they cut down. At the end of the surgical procedure, the wound is disinfected, and seams are applied.

Amputation of a finger with bone felon

This radical measure is assigned only in the case of severe damage ("melting") of the phalanx.

It is worth noting that the need for amputation occurs solely with neglected panic and attempts at self-medication with antibiotics or folk remedies. Therefore, with the first symptoms of pathology, it is important to immediately consult a surgeon.