Lymph nodes on the neck

The lymphatic system of the human body is designed to perform a protective function against poisons, pathogens and harmful substances. The most important components of the immune system are lymph nodes.

When lymph nodes on the neck hurt, this can be a sign of an inflammatory process and be called lymphadenitis. This disease is not independent, but accompanies various kinds of diseases and conditions. The enlargement of the lymph nodes can be considered a clear signal to consult a doctor.

Possible causes of inflammation

When cervical lymph nodes are hurt, this can be a symptom of the following diseases:

In addition, inflammation of the lymph nodes can be caused by diseases of the ears, ARI , headache, infectious diseases of the throat and malaise. It is very important to seek advice from a therapist on time. Otherwise, even the most common inflammation can go into a purulent form.

Pain in the lymph node on the right side

When the lymph node on the right side hurts, this may indicate that there is an inflammatory process in the throat. Most often in this case, the right tonsil inflames, the right side of the thyroid gland enlarges and inflames.

Even if the lymph node on the neck on the right under the jaw does not hurt too much and its increase is insignificant, it is better not to deal with self-medication, but seek help from a doctor. Otherwise, the infection can spread quite quickly and have negative consequences.

Pain in the lymph node on the left side

When the lymph node is sore on the left side, the causes are most likely similar to those that correspond to the acute pain of the lymph node on the right side. If the lymph node on the neck on the left under the jaw directly hurts, then it is possible to suspect the occurrence of such diseases as infectious mononucleosis, cytomegalovirus or toxoplasmosis.

Of course, for accurate diagnosis you will have to pass on a blood test, urine and make ultrasound of the abdominal cavity. Very often inflammation of the lymph nodes indicates inflammation of the entire lymphatic system as a whole. That is why when enlarging and inflammation of the lymph nodes it is important to apply to specialists in a medical institution in a timely manner.

Diagnosis of the disease

When you visit the hospital, the doctor by palpation reveals the inflammation and enlargement of the lymph nodes. For a more accurate diagnosis, the following clinical and laboratory studies can be assigned:

Treatment of the disease

Since the inflammation and enlargement of the lymph nodes is basically a secondary condition, it is initially necessary to work on the underlying disease, namely, to rid the body of the infection and increase immunity.

Since the causes and symptoms of neck pain may be different, then the therapeutic methods may differ:

  1. If the pain in the neck is associated with overstrain of the muscles, then it will be sufficient to use warming ointments, vodka compresses and dry heat.
  2. Sharp neck pains, which became more active after trauma and shaking, require immediate medical attention.
  3. At long pains in lymphonoduses antibiotics can be appointed.

Summarizing all of the above, it is worth noting that the pain in the lymph nodes on the neck is often secondary. However, this should be considered a signal of the body for help and immediately consult a doctor.