What kind of women do men like Cancers?

Pleasant and sentimental men Cancers are attractive to women, but not every lady can understand their inner world. In addition, representatives of this sign in the choice of a partner are exaggerated, and not everyone can reach their heart. Romantic by nature Cancers have certain criteria that the lady of the heart must match.

What kind of women do men like Cancers?

Representatives of this sign love lovely, quiet ladies who can create a truly warm atmosphere and coziness. For the Cancer family is of great importance, therefore choosing a companion of life, they mentally try on her as the guardian of the hearth. Loving such men, when a partner sincerely interested in their lives. Men love Cancer romance, so that by arranging candlelight dinner for them, you will certainly earn a "plus sign".

What qualities do Cancers like in women:

  1. Fidelity . One of the most significant criteria, since such men are jealous enough, and even an innocent look in the direction of another male can cause a grand scandal.
  2. Um . Cancers are sufficiently developed personalities and like they want to see in their chosen one.
  3. Mindfulness . These men are one of the few who remember all the holidays and anniversaries, therefore the companion of life must meet this criterion by all means.

Speaking about what kind of women like the men of Cancer, it is worth to say about such a quality as seriousness, as they rarely create short-term alliances and quickly become attached to a partner.

What kind of sex do men like Cancers?

In emotional relations for the Cancers, emotional content is of great importance. Despite his shyness in some situations, in bed Cancers can exhibit aggression and even the inclinations of a sadist. Basically in an intimate relationship, such men want to see from their partner tenderness and submission.