Wit - books and exercises for the development of wit

The desire to show their originality and sophistication of thoughts is not always welcomed in society. Sometimes such people are called clever, not worthy of respect. We propose to understand when wit is appropriate and how to become a witty person.

What is wit?

Many dictionaries say that wit is a certain sophistication of thoughts, ingenuity, the ability to find successful and very bright, colorful, or funny expressions, successful decisions and actions. A person with such a trait, in addition to being able to be witty, must have one more quality - to be able to critically assess his own sharpness immediately after creation. If a person is not able to stop his not-successful acuity in time, he hardly falls under the category of those who are called witty.

Principles of wit

It is customary to distinguish between such methods of wit:

  1. A hint is an indirect indication of what they want to say. Acute is a hint, if a person touches something out of the field of indecent or even forbidden. When a person masterfully knows the art of a hint, then communication with him will be deep and refined.
  2. Irony - often compared with ridicule. To varying degrees, it can help to compare what is, with what could be.
  3. The reverse comparison is very funny, if the portable meaning of words is used in a different context.
  4. Comparison by implicit characteristics - objects and phenomena are sometimes compared, but according to implicit signs. Comic character is that in many things common features are noticed.
  5. Absurd - you can even joke with the help of an absurdly expressed thought. Here, a short reservation can fundamentally change the whole meaning.
  6. The paradox is one of the intricate techniques of wit. He can appear from the most banal phrases about health, money and relationships.

Is wit good or bad?

If a person is witty - is it bad or good? Can we say that wit is a sign of intelligence ? The answer is unambiguous - to be witty is commendable, but to be clever is bad. Wit should be used in cases where it is necessary. This skill is not only good quality, but also an indicator of originality, peculiarity of thinking. Such a person certainly knows how to navigate in different situations and at the same time understands the surrounding reality. Under the wit often understand the ability to perfectly understand and, literally, grasp the most important thing on the fly.

Wit and sense of humor

For an ordinary person, a sense of humor and wit is one and the same concept. However, it is no coincidence that they are denoted by different terms. Under wit they understand ingenuity and finding bright and very funny expressions, and a sense of humor is called the ability not only to see, but also to understand the funny. How paradoxical it sounds, but a witty person may not have a sense of humor, and having a sense of humor can be completely unbalanced. Wit is often associated with the ability to create witty jokes, and a sense of humor - with the ability to understand humor.

How to develop wit?

For all who are wondering how to develop wit and creativity in speech, we offer valuable advice:

  1. Read as many books as possible . Let it necessarily be the literature of the most diverse satirists in a variety of styles. Thanks to such books, the vocabulary will be enlarged with interesting allegories.
  2. Constantly train . Reduce jokes and work out lightning reactions.
  3. Write down successful phrases . You can have a special notebook and write down all the most interesting jokes, sharp remarks.
  4. To study the humor of foreign satirists . For example, the wit of the English is well manifested.
  5. Positive emotions . Take for yourself the rule that wit is positive and such that it can cause smiles. Cruel jokes suppress and bring negative emotions. You can use the wit skill as a way to get out of a difficult situation.

Exercises for the development of wit

Simple and very interesting exercises will help you learn how to become witty:

  1. Linguistic pyramids - will help to understand the features of your own thinking, develop generalization skills. The essence of the exercise is that you need to take a certain object and tell what class belongs to, draw analogies.
  2. How does a raven look like a table? - The exercise will allow you to learn how to create analogies in different classes. Here are three people. One of them should call a living creature, and another - an inanimate object, and the third - to tell what they are similar to each other.
  3. What I see about and sing about - develops the ease and associativity in speech. Such an exercise should be done in pairs. One must be shown on an object, and the other must tell about it for five minutes.
  4. Stream of consciousness - develops the ability to start a conversation with absolutely any place and on any topic. Here you need a mirror and one person. It is necessary to stand in front of a mirror and talk about everything that comes to mind. In ten minutes it will be clear how easy it is.

Books for the development of wit

To learn how to wittily express your own thoughts, it is important to read special literature. Excellent books will be:

  1. I. Ilf, E. Petrov. "The twelve Chairs. Golden calf".
  2. Jerome K. Jerome "Three in the boat, not counting the dog. The story. Stories ยป.
  3. A. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit".
  4. P. Woodhouse "Jeeves, you are a genius!".
  5. V. Dragunsky "Deniskin stories."
  6. G. Oster "Bad advice".

Witty movies

Everyone who believes that wit as an aesthetic principle should take place in every society will like such a selection of films:

  1. 99 francs (2007, France).
  2. Groundhog Day (1993, USA).
  3. Difficulties of translation (2003, USA).
  4. Freaky Friday (2003, USA).
  5. Shafer for rent (2015, USA).
  6. Imperfect bosses (2011, USA).
  7. We are Millers (2015, USA).
  8. Heaven Promised (1991, USSR).