Fear of germs - what is mizophobia and how to get rid of it?

Among the numerous list of phobias - fear of germs is one of the most common and complicating life as the very misofob, suffering from every contact with objects and things, and close people who are forced to observe and experience the strangeness of their native person.

What is misofobia?

Everyone is afraid of something, but not always fears manifest themselves brightly. People living with anxious obsessive thoughts pick up any infection, often do not even know what the fear of microbes is called and what can be avoided from this fear. Misophobia (from the ancient Greek μύσος - mud) - phobia of germs, fear of contamination and contamination from contact with surrounding objects and handshakes with people. The fear of infectious microbes has other names:

Disease - fear of germs

Misophobia - fear of microbes and dirt is not in the strict sense a disease, but refers to anxious neurotic disorders. American military doctor William Hammond, who devoted himself to the study of neurology, observing his patient with a syndrome of obsessions, noticed that he always went to wash his hands as soon as he touched something. Hammond gave the name to this obsession - misofobia.

The prominent American psychoanalyst G. Sullivan later, basing his observations on patients during therapy, noted that the underlying fear of microbes is often not realized by the person, but there is only one thought that hands should be washed. Why there is fear of germs and dirt - the reasons:

Misophobia - symptoms

Fear of germs is a phobia, with a clearly manifested symptomatology, which is difficult not to notice and for the surrounding people, the mizophobes look very strange and cause bewilderment. External or behavioral manifestations of a person suffering from misofobia:

Physiological signs of mizophobia, with activated fear:

Misophobia - how to get rid?

Fear of deadly microbes can be corrected only if a person realizes how painful and difficult it is for him to manifest phobias. There should be a desire to do something about this and start a full life. Misophobia - how to treat the disorder that caused the social isolation of a person? Awareness of the problem is the first step that leads to the next awareness: the need for specialist help.

Misophobia - treatment by a doctor

A person with severe manifestations of a neurotic disorder needs a medical correction. Misophobia - treatment of the disease is nonspecific and there are no special drugs. A psychiatrist or psychoneurologist is guided by the symptoms and condition of the suffering person. Often, the mizophobes are in a depressed state and anxious waiting to reduce the discomfort of the patient the doctor prescribes:

Treatment of mesophobia with hypnosis

The subconscious of the person keeps all traumatic events, negative experience and the task of the hypnotherapist to correct the experience of the past, to replace the thought forms with positive ones. The effect of hypnotherapy is stable, but it takes a while, and from the patient it is only trust in a specialist that matters. Sometimes, in addition to the traditional hypnosis session, the therapist uses audio hypnosis. Misophobia in mild form is corrected for several sessions. Effects of hypnotherapy:

How to get rid of misopia yourself?

Fear of dirt and microbes is a phobia that can be corrected independently, if manifestations are not strongly pronounced. The mild form of mesophobia is successfully eliminated with the help of autogenic training and meditative techniques. Breathing exercises and meditations are aimed at restoring balance and relieving anxiety. The method of paradoxical intentions can also be applied independently, not to run from fear, but to meet halfway, starting with small steps, tracking the sensations and fixing on pleasant feelings: