Patriotism - why is it important to instill a sense of patriotism?

Patriotism is a special emotional experience of one's belonging to the country, citizenship, language and traditions, native land and culture. Such a feeling presupposes pride for your country and the belief that it will always protect you. These are the main criteria in the definition, although there are other interpretations.

What is "patriotism"?

The word "patriotism" is translated from Greek as "fatherland", this feeling, the essence of which is in love for one's country and willingness to sacrifice everything for its sake. Who is a patriot - personality, who is proud of the successes and culture of his power, strives to preserve the characteristics of his native language and traditions. This is the most common variant of designating the essence of the term "patriotism", but there are also other interpretations:

  1. The moral indicator that distinguishes a generous person from a low one.
  2. Pride for the accomplishment of his people.
  3. Real assessment of the actions of their state.
  4. Willingness to sacrifice individual interests for the sake of common.

Business patriotism - what is it?

In the 21st century, the sense of patriotism began to come to a new level, calls for the formation of groups of business patriots began to sound louder. It's not just about giving preference to domestic goods, the Russian Association of Entrepreneurs on the development of business patriotism recently proposed its strategy. The main task of its leaders see the full support of entrepreneurs, since the share of the same small business abroad is more than domestic in several times. We need conditions for growth in several directions:

  1. Education. Development of youth entrepreneurship, conducting master classes.
  2. Support in the implementation of plans and promote the growth of commerce.
  3. Business Club. A place where you can exchange experiences, contacts and developments.

Nationalism and patriotism are the difference

Many people confuse the notion of "nationalism" and "patriotism," even in dictionaries it is noted that patriotism is a love for the homeland and its people. Experienced linguists point to such a mistake in the substitution of concepts:

  1. Love for the motherland is a feeling for the land, nature, native language and the state. This is patriotism - an expanded concept of love for your home.
  2. Love for the people is a broad concept of love for native people, which arises before a person before patriotism. This is nationalism, awareness of the commitment to the nation, which is instilled from birth.

Why do we need patriotism?

Why is patriotism important? Experts believe that this is a natural mental state that is expressed in the readiness to protect one's own from another's, to recognize it under another mask. Without patriotism, it is difficult to survive, because each person must have the main values ​​for which to really overcome fear and even go to death. Only thanks to tremendous patriotism, Soviet people were able to win the Second World War, to stop hordes of enemies at the cost of millions of lives.

A patriot is a person for whom the destiny of the state is always in the first place. But this attitude only appears when a person is sure: his country will protect in a difficult moment, will help the family. Therefore one can not be forced to be the patriots of those who survive in poverty, people must have something to be proud of, and what specifically to protect: their well-being, their rear, achievements.

Types of patriotism

What is patriotism? In different years this feeling was denoted by various phenomena, often substituting the concept of "love of the motherland" for "love of the state". So there were other kinds of patriotism:

  1. State . When the interests of the state are above all.
  2. Russian, as a phenomenon . For many centuries for the Slavs, and then - and for Soviet people, the main was the concept of "homeland", it was compared with the bride, the mother, who must be protected.
  3. National . It is based on the history and cultural heritage of the people, the formation of such love develops a sense of pride, the desire to multiply existing values.
  4. Local . It manifests itself in love for its village, city, street, home. A characteristic feature of the Soviet ideology was the education of feelings from the private to the general, from loyalty to its own edge to readiness to sacrifice life for their country.

Education of patriotism

The development of patriotism at all times was the main task of ideologists of any country. Events were developed with an emphasis on examples of heroism, songs were composed, and the events of the past were corrected. The child had to grow up with the idea that his country is the best, because it protects, provides a happy childhood, supports the choice of a profession in youth and protects from adversity in adulthood.

Therefore great importance is given to the study of symbolism, the legal system, familiarity with the actions of outstanding people. But in a country where there is no return from the state, and the individual does not see what he gets in return for his willingness to sacrifice his own, the problem of patriotism becomes especially acute. Sometimes attempts are made by the powers that be to grow it artificially.

Church and patriotism

Since ancient times, patriotism and Orthodoxy have been inextricably linked, an example of this - the blessing of the church to fight the defenders of the fatherland. This tradition dates back thousands of years, even during the Second World War, when all Soviet people were atheists, special prayer services were held, and priests collected funds for the purchase of tanks and aircraft. If we turn to the official church documents, the concept of patriotism is stated as follows:

  1. Christians should not forget about their homeland.
  2. To be a patriot is to love not only your native land, but your neighbors, your home, protect them. Since the sacrifice for the fatherland is brought not only on the battlefield, but also for the sake of children.
  3. To love your land as a place where faith and the Orthodox Church are preserved.
  4. Love other nations as the fulfillment of the commandment of love for one's neighbor.

Patriotism - books

Examples from the life of heroes who showed real patriotism are counted in thousands not only in Soviet literature. Many Russian poets and prose writers wrote about such manifestations, and they were also expounded in bylinas. The most vivid works dedicated to patriotism:

  1. A. Fadeev. "The Young Guard . " A novel about the heroes-underground workers of Krasnodon during the Great Patriotic War, on it grew more than one generation of Soviet children.
  2. "A word about the shelf of Igor . " An ancient legend, telling about the defenders of their native land in times of hostile raids.
  3. L. Tolstoy. War and Peace . Important historical episodes of the 19th century - the Patriotic War of 1812, with examples of heroism of the main characters.
  4. B. Field. "A Tale of a Real Man . " The novel about the beznikom pilot Maresiev, who managed to return to aviation, to again fight the Nazis.