Guacamole from avocado

Avocados are an extremely useful tropical fruit containing a lot of nutrients, mainly vegetable oils, easily digestible by the human body, as well as vitamins and microelements. It is possible to use avocados differently, in which the inhabitants of South and Central America were very successful.

For example, avocado is one of the main components of guacamole, this sauce-paste is a very traditional popular snack in all Latin American food cultures and practices. At present, interest in the preparation of guacamole grows all over the world not only because of the unquestionable usefulness of avocados and its dietetic qualities, but also from the general interest in Latin American cuisine.

Currently, the recipe for guacamole, of course, has grown in some changes, not to say that it is particularly significant.

How to make guacamole from an avocado?

The general idea of ​​making guacamole

The flesh of the fruit of avocado (without skin and bones) is scraped with the addition of lime juice and / or lemon. The juice of citrus prevents oxidation of the avocado and preserves its color. The rest of the ingredients (usually red hot pepper, garlic and coriander) can be finely chopped or crushed in a mortar or together with the pulp of the avocado, everything is ground with a blender.

Recipe for guacamole paste-sauce from avocado with garlic



Exhausted peeled garlic with pepper and salt in a mortar and transferred to a working bowl, there we load pieces of avocado pulp, immediately add the juice of lime or lemon. Add the chopped cilantro. We rub all together with a blender.

A more tender sauce is obtained if the pepper is young and green. To make a yellow sauce, add the mango fruit or the pulp of the muscatel pumpkin instead of the second fruit of the avocado. In this variant, it makes sense to add a little grated nutmeg to the sauce.

Guacamole, cooked with red (ripe) pepper to serve well to dishes of meat, tomatoes, beans and potatoes. Yellow and green sauce (with young peppers) are more suitable for fish and seafood dishes. On the table should also be dishes from corn: polenta or tortilla.