Cheshutsya and blush eyes

Often a person suddenly starts to itch and blush his eyes. In most cases, this is a common allergic reaction and special eye drops help to eliminate it. But sometimes such unpleasant feelings arise for other reasons. Why are my eyes flushed and blushing and what should I do in such cases?

Why does itching and redness on the eye mucosa occur?

Very often the eyes are blushed and blushing due to the wearing of any contact lenses. It can also be a reaction to dust and the use of substandard cosmetics. A common cause of itching in the eyes is an eye mite. He lives on eyelashes and eyebrows in a large number of people, but often does not show himself.

Strongly itch and blush the eyes when it comes to the mucosa of various foreign bodies (for example, grains of sand or cilia), which cause small and deep damage. Also, unpleasant sensations arise from the healing of any wounds located near the eye holes. In many cases, severe itching is caused by a decrease in tear lag or a violation of endocrine processes in the body.

The eyes itch, water and blush and with various diseases. This phenomenon can be a symptom:

What to do and how to treat?

What to do if the eyes itch and blush very often? Such unpleasant feelings significantly reduce the quality of life, therefore, as soon as the cause is clarified, you must immediately neutralize its source - get rid of bad cosmetics, do not contact with the allergen, remove the foreign body.

If the cause of itching is a disease, you should consult an ophthalmologist. But those who have redness and are scratching the eye because of contact lenses or dryness, you can use special drops to solve the problem. These include: