Jam from hawthorn

Hawthorn is famous for its valuable properties and is widely used for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. We offer to cook from it a delicious jam, tasting which will help you combine business with pleasure.

How to cook jam from hawthorn without pits for the winter - recipe



For the preparation of jam we choose only ripe berries of hawthorn, rinse them thoroughly, after which we let them dry out and proceed to further processing them. We trim the tails and stems, cut each berry in half and clean the bones. After that, we put the halves in a jug for cooking jam and pour them with the same amount of sugar. Leave the workpiece for a while to separate the juice, then place on the plate and proceed to cook the treats. Warm the berry mass to a boil with periodic stirring, boil for five minutes, and leave it under room conditions to cool.

Repeat the cycle "heating-boiling-cooling" two more times. After the third digestion, add lemon acid or lemon juice, stir, pour hot jam on sterile glass vessels and seal it sealed. This jam is perfectly stored and at room temperature.

Jam from hawthorn for winter - recipe for cooking with bones



Before preparing the jam, fresh hawthorn should be thoroughly washed and rid of the husks and all unnecessary. Bones in this case we leave. Spread the berries on a towel and leave them for a while to absorb moisture and dry.

During this time, while we prepare the sugar syrup. Mix the sugar and water filtered in the jam container, place the container on the hotplate of the plate and heat its contents with continuous stirring until all crystals are dissolved and boiling. Now we can add hawthorn. We give it a boil along with the syrup, boil a minute, then turn off the fire, cover the container with a lid, top with a towel and leave the jam for languor for fourteen hours. After a while, we again give the workpiece to boil and cook with periodic stirring for half an hour or until the desired degree of thickening. In the process of cooking, add vanilla sugar and a pinch of citric acid to give the delicacy a kind of sourness.

Useful and quick jam from hawthorn with apples



To prepare the jam, you need to prepare the hawthorn berries, as in the first recipe, washing them and removing the bones. The apples are also rinsed, cut first in half, cut out the core with the seeds, and then cut the halves into slices and a few more pieces across. The weight of apples and hawthorn in the recipe is indicated in the already cleaned form. We place the components in an enameled container, pouring the layers with sugar. After an hour or two, we begin to cook the jam. To do this, heat the workpiece with frequent stirring until boiling, after which we boil three to five minutes and cool. We repeat the cycle two more times, after which we pour hot treats on glass, sterile vessels, seal them sealed and put them for self-sterilization upside down under a warm blanket or blanket.