Jam from currant for the winter

Currant has long been recognized as a genuine storehouse of vitamin C, being the product with its highest concentration. However, the peak of colds and SARS, which we are so annoying, have just in the cold season, when this berry is inaccessible. Therefore, to maintain your immunity , you can prepare a jam from the currant and close it for the winter. Then you will always be able to share this part of the summer with friends and guests. After all, such a dessert is not only amazingly delicious, but it will save you from serious diseases.

Jam from a currant for the winter, passed through a meat grinder

If you want to quickly improve your health, try to make a real vitamin "bomb" from the currant and oranges. This workpiece is very easy to prepare and well kept.



Go through, wash and dry the currant, and then send it to the meat grinder and scroll twice. Fill with sugar and go to the oranges. One of them also scroll in the meat grinder, without cleaning the zest, and throw the second citrus into the juicer and squeeze out all the juice from it.

Twisted flesh of the first orange is added to the sugar and currant mixture and mixed thoroughly. Put a container with jam on a medium-strength fire, wait until it boils and pour orange juice. Do not stop stirring, boil the mass for another seven minutes and still hot quickly roll into sterilized jars. This is one of the most exotic recipes of currant jam for the winter.

Jam from ripe white currant

This recipe will surely impress you, because such winter logs are not very common. So you will become a real cooking guru and be able to tell interested how to make jam from delicate white currant for the winter. It has a very refined and unusual taste.



Wash the berries and peel them from the twigs. Leave them to dry on a towel for two or three hours. Then fill the currant with a kilogram of sugar and transfer it to a cold place for a period of 8-10 hours. Pour boiled water into a saucepan, pour 300 g of sugar, stir well, place on a small fire and cook for about 5 minutes after boiling to get the sugar syrup. Pour the syrup into the settled currant-sugar mixture, place it on the weakest fire and continue to cook, without stopping stirring, until the jam is obtained with a transparent appearance. Pour it into sterilized jars, cork them, turn them over and place under the blanket until it cools. You can also cook a wonderful tasty jam of black currant for the winter. It is not necessary to store it in the refrigerator.

Jam from a currant for the winter "Pyatiminutka"

If you have a lot to do and you can not spend half a day at the stove to conjure at the stove over jam, this recipe will save you unnecessary trouble. It is acceptable for him to take any sort of currant: a pleasure for gourmets is provided.



Go through the currant and carefully remove all the stems. Wash the berries well and let them dry out a little. Fill the currant with granulated sugar and leave it until the juice is released. Accelerate the process is quite realistic if you turn the stove on a small fire and boil the mass for a few minutes. After that, switch the cooker to medium heat, wait until it boils and cook for about five minutes until the granulated sugar dissolves completely. Then strain the mass and rub the berries through a sieve to make the workpiece homogeneous, pour over the sterilized jars, close and transfer to a cool place. This is a great recipe for jam from red or blackcurrant for the winter.